Ideas to defeat Republican candidates 2008

The Democratic Party needs to enunciate the positive alternatives to the Republican culture of corruption and not just line up like sheep behind the latest Clinton brand of political washing machine soap to clean out the sleaze of GOP cronyism.

Locally this could be best formulated with comprehensive smart growth planning for our rapidly growing county. The perception is that development drives our economy. We need to connect our communities, build more sidewalks, make it safe for Johnny to ride a bike to school. Right now Oconee County is nothing more than a gathering of semi-secluded neighborhood subdivisions which keeps up apart. Sewer systems are not available outisde of Watkinsville. The roads are entirely too narrow in most of our municipalities. Our schools are not the least bit connected for jogging, biking, skating or walking. We need to plan more and build less, unless it is bike paths or sidewalks. There are some good subdivisions and development that seem to come from outside the box coming up around Watkinsville and Butler's Crossing.

The highly unpopular war in Iraq, the failure of George Bush to protect our children and the continued symbolic presence of Senator Larry Craig will probably be enough for Democratic candidates to sweep into office at the National level. Whether that will transfer down to the local level remains to be seen. Will local Democrats sacrifice another candidate like Becky Vaughn v. Bob Smith 2006 or come up with some new face with bold ideas and strong leadership? Time is quickly running out for a real campaign at any level in Oconee County for the next election cycle, but it is not too late. Any suggestions or ideas?


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