June 14 caucus to elect new committee members

The Oconee County Democratic Committee will host their annual caucus to select new committee members 11:00 am Saturday, June 14, 2008 at the Oconee County Courthouse in Watkinsville on 23 N. Main Street in the Board of Commissioners' chambers on the second floor.



I have just reserved the Commissioners' Chambers in the courthouse for Saturday, June 14, beginning at 11:00 am, for our party caucus to elect new committee members.  I'll be responsible for picking up the key from the BOC office on Friday.


I've sent a notice to the Oconee Enterprise about the caucus, and Maridee said she would put it in the calendar section, but couldn't guarantee it would start this week.  I've also submitted the event to the calendar for the on-line Oconee Enterprise.  I'll also send a notice to the ABH for the Oconee Living section.


Please be sure this is on your calendar and you plan to attend, especially if you plan to run for a committee post.  Remember, ALL committee posts are up for election since we revamped the committee structure.  Please help spread the word around and invite fellow Oconee Dems to attend.  If you are unable to attend the caucus but wish to run for a post, please contact me in advance.






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