Learn from the film Body of War ~ Movie night for locals

Let's all go to the movies - you do not have to be a Democrat or feel as if you will be branded a member of the Democratic party if you attend.

Woven brightly,
Daniel J. Matthews, Jr.

 We're getting together for another movie night at CinĂ©!
 Let's meet at the 7:15 showing of the acclaimed movie, Body of War, next
 Thursday, May 29th. Please stay to chat afterwards if you have time.
 Hope to see you!
 Pat and Neal Priest
 Oconee County Democrats
 [ USA 2008, Digital, 87min, Dir: Ellen Spiro and Phil Donahue, NR ]
 WINNER: National Board of Review -- Best Documentary of 2007
 WINNER: Hamptons International Film Festival – Audience Award – Best
 BODY OF WAR is an intimate feature documentary about the truth of war
 today. Meet Tomas Young, 25 years old, paralyzed from a bullet to his
 spine – wounded after serving in Iraq for less than a week. BODY OF WAR
 is his coming home story as he evolves into a new person, dealing with
 his disability and finding his own unique and passionate voice against
 the war.
 BODY OF WAR unfolds on two parallel tracks. On the one hand, Tomas
 evolving into a powerful voice against the war as he struggles to deal
 with the complexities of a paralyzed body. And on the other, the
 historic debate unfolding in the Congress about going to war in Iraq.
 In the final riveting scene, the two streams of the film merge, as Tomas
 visits Capitol Hill to review the Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use
 of United States Forces against Iraq (H. J. Res 114) - with Senator
 Robert Byrd, one of the "immortal 23" senators that stood against the
 war in that historic Senate vote of 2002.
 A nakedly honest portrayal of what it's like inside the body, heart and
 soul of this young man, the film is produced and directed by Phil
 Donahue and Ellen Spiro and features two original songs written and
 performed by Eddie Vedder.
 "With their nonfiction work BODY OF WAR longtime television pundit Phil
 Donahue and documentarian Ellen Spiro join forces to relay Tomas's
 heart-wrenching and yet deeply affirming story - both a testament to one
 man's enduring inner strength and a towering condemnation of a localized
 conflict that owes much, if not everything, to the miscalculation and
 intrusion of the United States." [nytimes.com]
 SHOWTIMES: 4:15p 7:15p 9:30p THURSDAY 5/29 ONLY


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