Unusually lively and feisty UNAPPROVED minutes of the most recent City Council meeting

Some dork (me) got up and talked about curbs, recycling, ballfields, paving, soil and a Board of Education candidate who helped pick up trash at Harris Shoals Park:




May 14, 2008

PRESENT: Mayor Luken, Council members Link, Purcell, Brodrick, Walsh, Walter and City Attorney Reitman

VISITORS: See attached sheet.

QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Luken acknowledges a quorum is present. He also welcomes Chuck Horton, County Commissioner, to our meeting. All speakers are asked to approach the lectern and address Council.

PRESENTATION OF THE BEAUTIFUL YARD AWARD: Councilwoman Purcell presents Maridee Williams of 1021 Jeremy Drive the Watkinsville Beautiful Yard Award for the month of May. The selection was made by Athens Seed.

MINUTES: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Link seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the April 9, 2008 Council meeting as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

ARLENE PHILLIPS: Wanda Hensley and Don Phillips represent Arlene Phillips. Councilman Brodrick moved and Councilman Walter seconded the motion to approve the business license for Two Chix Lighting Studio at 1011 Industrial Drive, Suite B. Opportunity for discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

LARRY HODGE: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Link seconded the motion to approve the business license for Hodge Design & Remodeling at 2 S. Main Street, Suite 206. Opportunity for discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

CLAYTON LORD: Councilman Walsh moved and Councilman Walter seconded the motion to approve the business license for Athens Gas and Welding Supply, Inc. at 1040 Business Boulevard, Suite C contingent upon providing Hazardous Materials certification as well as State Fire Marshal approval. Opportunity for discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

SARAH WILLOUGHBY: Phil Sheffield and Brian Mauldin represent Ms. Willoughby. Councilman Walsh moved and Councilwoman Purcell seconded the motion to approve the building permit for a 624 sq. ft. bedroom and kitchen addition to the existing residence at 13 Harden Hill Road. Opportunity for discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

KAY FISH: Councilman Walter moved and Councilman Brodrick seconded the motion to approve the swimming pool permit for a 16’ x 36’ in ground pool with four foot safety fence at 1020 Calls Creek Circle. Opportunity for discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

LUKE BISHOP: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Walter seconded the motion to approve the building permit to renovate the existing 60’ x 130’ warehouse at 1400 Greensboro Highway. Opportunity for discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

RECONCILIATION REPORT: Councilman Link moved and Councilwoman Purcell seconded the motion to approve the March, 2008 Reconciliation Report as presented. Opportunity for discussion. Motion carried unanimously.


  • Samantha Purcell has been names Teacher of the Year at Monroe High School. Samantha has a Masters Degree and is a Foreign Language Instructor.
  • Harris Shoals Clean-up held on April 26, 2008, sponsored by the City Council and coordinated by Mark Campbell, was a success. Mark Campbell noted that 21 people assisted.
  • The black plastic bags covering signage that signifies State Route 15 (Greensboro Highway and Watkinsville Main Street) will be resurfaced – probably this month.
  • The fiscal year 2007 audit (July 06-June 07) MD&A is in your packet. This is the fourth consecutive audit without deficiency. Total net assets increased by $26,712. Total fund balances increased by $34,574. We added a police officer as well as a new patrol vehicle. The admin position was increased from 20 to 30 hours. We completed the Bicentennial Nov. 2006. Constructed and repaired $40K of sidewalks. Completed several ordinances. Made payment #3 of the 4 payments for 53/15 intersection and Durham Street. Completed construction of streetscape.
  • Reserves remain strong entering rather difficult economic period. We have actually built upon reserves.
  • We’ve asked engineer Wayne Craig to provide feasibility on some potential future sidewalks.
  • Courthouse issues: Mayor Luken says he is concerned about the courthouse being moved outside the City of Watkinsville (see attached article). No one has contacted the City to discuss this. Has not been on any agenda of the county commissioners. The article notes there is no feasibility for a parking deck; however, three properties have been for sale around the courthouse. Other counties (Jackson and Walton) have moved their courthouses, but they still remain within the city limits. The economic impact is substantial on a city as well as the cost to taxpayers is very substantial. The City has moved to create a new access route and plans to reconfigure Durham Street as well. This goes on to say this is a plank on his platform. If this is an active item in County government, we might need to look to expand the City. I have been standing opposed to annexing; however, this may have to be considered. In past years we have not been involved in SPLOST. We need to get involved. In recent years, we have stayed out of the politics of the county; however, there is no larger impact on the city than this issue.
  • Chief O’Dillon appreciates Mayor’s comments and agrees. Included with my report is a light hearted letter from me regarding the police department, Chief says. Please read at your leisure. Chief O’Dillon also notes that May 15th is Police Memorial Day. This is a day set aside to honor those that have been killed in the line of duty.

CITIZENS COMMENTS: James Bowers’ letter was included in meeting packet, which thanked the street department for the fine job they do. Dan Matthews of Katie Lane recognized Ms. Ashley Hood that helped with the Harris Shoals Park Clean up. Mr. Matthews also concurs with the sentiments about moving the courthouse. Watkinsville is the County Seat and the Courthouse can’t be placed outside the County Seat. Mr. Matthews hopes for the next budget to be able to smooth out some curbs at First and Third Streets. Rocket Field is looking fantastic, per Mr. Matthews. The batter’s box needs some sand and could consider recycle bins for the park. Kathleen McQuiston appreciates the job the street department does and asks for the letter from Mr. Bowers to be read aloud. Mayor Luken reads the letter (see attached letter) and notes a job well done by the street department. Mayor Luken adds that our street department supervisor, Jerry Harris is going through radiation treatments right now, but doing fine. Ashley Hood of 1041 Ridgeville Way, Bishop, Georgia really appreciates what council is doing in the county. She appreciates the relationship we have with the schools and if elected to the school board she will promote the relationship between the Board of Education, cities and Oconee County.

OLD BUSINESS: (1) Consider FY2008 Budget Amendments: Councilman Brodrick moved and Councilman Walsh seconded the motion to approve Budget Amendments #1 and 2, which moves $10,000 from Street Department Site Improvements and moves $20,000 from Fire Department Capital Outlay to General Government Legal and Professional. Opportunity for discussion. Motion carried unanimously. This amendment offsets legal and professional with $30,000 total.

Councilman Brodrick moved and Councilman Link seconded the motion to approve Budget Amendment #3, which moves $3500 from Culture and Recreation Repairs & Maintenance to $1800 Parks Repairs and Maintenance, $1000 to Parks Supplies and Materials and $700 to Parks Water/Sewer.
Opportunity for discussion. Motion carried unanimously. This amendment offsets the Parks department with $3500 total.

(2) Public Hearing – FY2009 Budget: Mayor Luken opens the public hearing and explains the budget will be voted on at the June Council meeting. City Clerk, Julie Sanders, reiterates that the budget will be considered in June and anyone with input regarding the budget may let us know at this meeting or via mail, email or fax.

  • Claire Atwater and Susan Brodrick requests $3,806 budget increase to the Oconee Library budget for ½ of a 17 hour a week circulation position. Kathleen McQuiston visits the library often and encourages council to approve this request.
  • Councilman Link would like to put $24,000 into fire department capital outlay for the pickup truck. The $20,000 in the current budget for the fire department truck was moved to legal and professional with the budget amendments noted above. Councilman Brodrick questions if we have been putting money into capital accounts for fire vehicles. Mayor Luken explains currently we are not. Councilman Link notes that when the fire truck was purchased about 8 years ago the cost was about $130,000 and now costs are in the $400,000 price range. Councilwoman Purcell says city residents pay a higher millage rate to the county and the county should provide the vehicles.
  • Mayor Luken summarizes budget requests thus far:

1. Library request for $3,806

2. Fire department truck for $24,000

  • Councilman Walsh questions the video equipment for the police department. Councilman Walter explains in the finance meetings Chief O’Dillon noted the car replacement schedule as being the top priority item. Councilman Brodrick asks if we plan to replace one car a year. Chief O’Dillon says yes. Mayor Luken adds that Chief O’Dillon opted for another vehicle and new radios for better communication with the county dispatch system.
  • Councilman Link suggested a zero turn mower for the street department either with the current budget or to be considered in the FY2009 Budget. Mayor Luken explains we would like to get the zero turn in on the current budget if we can.
  • Opportunity for discussion. Mayor closes public hearing.

(3) Sewer Project/Update/Discussion – Robert Bishop: Mayor Luken summarizes that the people on Morrison Street will be able to hook up without cost. He has a verbal condition pending council’s decision. The Bishop’s were unable to get hookups they hoped for on Morrison Street because of easement situations and people didn’t want to hook up. The agreement from Alan Theriault for Morrison Street and the corner of Colham Ferry Road is that the 16 owners/parcels can get hooked up for free as long as they remain single family residences. The properties can not be developed as multi-family, commercial or business and receive a free hook-up. Robert Bishop explains 2 of the 16 residents will be stubbed out and the other 14 will be covered with the letter from Alan Theriault. We are done with the project now, per Robert Bishop. We have all the easements that we needed. When we were in the first time, we had the school system hooked up and the lines in. Since then we have been waiting on the submersible pumps. Those pumps have now been installed and the project is complete. Bob Bishop notes this has been a long time coming. Glad we could bring the coalition together. We anticipated average rock, but had to deal with massive rock. We are approximately $10,000 short. We are here tonight to request the final payment of $60,000 and with a caveat to have a contribution toward the $10,000 deficit. The Oconee County annex building has been hooked up. Colham Ferry Elementary School was hooked up a week after Labor Day. We did use emergency backup pumps until February when the permanent pumps were installed. We are negotiating with two businesses desiring to hook up (M&P Grading and Taylor Iron). We are confident we can serve the majority of the Industrial Park over to Old Bishop Road and almost to Barnett Shoals Road. We would like to bring this to a close. All right of ways and easements have been secured, per Bob Bishop. Mayor Luken asks for input from Wayne Craig, Engineer. Wayne Craig notes he had an opportunity to look at the complete project during and after construction. The developer and the county have done what is intended. I feel it is justified, per Mr. Craig. Wayne Craig suggests we participate. Councilman Link asks if the county will be taking over the project. Mr. Bishop explains that yes. The hold up was regarding easements. No one contested; however, there were nine members that own one of the properties and they had to go through probating a will, etc. to get the easement taken care of. Councilwoman Purcell adds that one item of concern for her is the tree that was taken out and suggested this winter replace the dead tree that is a little further up the road. Bob Bishop agrees and asks council members for any other ideas they may have. Mayor Luken asks Robert Bishop to notify us when the two sewer taps are hooked up at 78 and 110 Morrison Street. Councilman Brodrick asks will there be capacity issues. Mayor Luken explains that there is plenty of capacity for businesses, but lack in residential. The 16 properties involved with this project will get capacity even if there is a shortage. Mayor Luken adds that Alan Theriault will be updating the letter to make this clear; however, any requests should be included as a contingency. Bob Bishop explains there will still be approximately 40,000 in capacity left after taking out these systems.

Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Brodrick seconded the motion to approve a $30,000 payment to be made within the next ten days and a second payment of $30,000 to be made within the next forty-five days with the contingency that capacity and hookups are guaranteed to the owners of the 16 properties on
Morrison Street and/or their heirs. Opportunity for discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

ADJOURN: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Link seconded the motion to adjourn the May 14, 2008 Council meeting at approximately 8:45 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.




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