FW: The County is now webcasting
I'm actually a little late getting this notice out, but if you have not already seen the link on the Oconee County home page (www.oconeecounty.com), they have officially started webcasting the BOC meetings.
The county is currently using Vimeo, as we have been doing for our videos of the BOC meetings and recent forums. As long as they continue to use Vimeo, I will add their videos to the channel that I already have set up (www.vimeo.com/OconeeBOC).
I offer my thanks to the BOC for acting so quickly and getting their webcasting service up and running. Be sure to thank Administrative Officer Alan Theriault and the entire BOC for their support of this community service. Also thanks to Alan Thompson from the ABH for his coverage of the topic.
Ok folks, now that they have made the effort, it's up to us to utilize the service. Watch regularly and stay informed.
Tony Glenn