Oconee BOE facing cash crunch this and next fiscal years; thanks to Tony Glenn for getting Oconee meetings on the web

A couple of well written articles in the Athens Banner-Herald today Thursday, June 12, 2008 by red headed correspondent Adam Thompson involving our beloved Oconee County and the economic ramifications of the recent gas price spike for our school system as well as the move to record and disseminate taped meetings of the various agencies of the Board of Commission.

I still say Tony Glenn for chairman of the Board of Commissioners, or State Representative, or Congress, or State Senate in 2010.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for reminding me that I must get my website updated with a new picture! ;-)

I appreciate the support and "endorsement" Dan, but I too fall under those federal laws that forced Agent Carter Brank to bow out of his BOE race.

Incidentally, if I understand the law correctly, it only forbids federal employees from engaging in partisan campaigns. I believe he could run and serve as an independent.

This is a perfect example of why I'm a proponent of nonpartisan local elections. It lifts a lot of barriers and truly broadens the pool of potential candidates.

Much appreciation,

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