Dear Friends,
The developer of the proposed Epps Bridge Centre
asked the Oconee County Board of Commissioners
to postpone action on its rezone request until Oct. 7
so he can talk more about design issues with the planning staff.
The Board voted unanimously to cancel the scheduled public hearing
and table action on the rezone for the $76 million strip mall proposed for
vacant land between Lowe's and Loop 10 on Epps Bridge Parkway,
behind the current McDonald's and Starbucks.
The half dozen or so persons who planned to ask questions
during the public hearing were not given advance notice of the
requested postponement.
The hearing had been confirmed at the BOC agenda-setting
meeting last Tuesday and included in the agenda
released by Chairman Melvin Davis' office late last week.
For details, go to my blog, at
Lee -- Lee Becker Blog: Web: