Hi! I just sent a message encouraging the National Park Service to defend Cumberland Island's wilderness. You can do the same by following this link:
Defend Cumberland Island’s Wilderness Dear Friend, Congress directed the National Park Service (NPS) to offer guided, motorized tours of historic districts in wilderness-designated area at the north end of Cumberland Island. NPS has proposed a shuttle system to drop off and pick up visitors throughout this protected area, which inappropriately expands on the congressional mandate. Help defend Cumberland Island's wilderness by telling the NPS to prioritize wilderness values as it considers conducting tours of historic sites. Problem: In 2004, Congress passed Public Law 108-447 removing portions of Cumberland Island from wilderness protection and requiring five to eight tours be offered per day to the historic sites on the northern end of the island. This opens the wilderness area to significantly more traffic through the ecologically sensitive island. Solution: The NPS should seek to implement the least environmentally damaging option that meets the congressional mandate. By proposing a shuttle system in the wilderness area of the island, the NPS is enabling greater human intrusion than is called for by law. Motorized tours are fundamentally incompatible with wilderness values and therefore should be as limited, well-controlled and unobtrusive as possible. Action Needed: Send a message to the National Park Service urging that the draft Transportation Management Plan for Cumberland Island not overstep the directive of Congress to provide limited, guided tours of historic sites. Also urge NPS to amend their Environmental Assessment to more exhaustively examine the impact of the tours on wilderness values. Deadline for responding: Comments are due by October 15, 2008. The following organizations are participating in this campaign: [alertorgs] NOTE: Please use the "Forward to a friend" link above and not your email program to forward this message to others as it has been personalized with your account information. Privacy Policy |
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