Minutes from last night's meeting
From: "Herb West" <>
To: <oconeedemocrats@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [oconeedemocrats] Minutes from last night's meeting
Date: Fri, 03 Oct 2008 18:19:58 +0000
Oconee County Democratic Committee meeting
October 2, 2008
Oconee County Courthouse, Watkinsville, Georgia
Committee members present: Becky Vaughn (5-3), Chair; Jonathan Veit (2-1), Vice-Chair; Herb West (5-1), Secretary; Violet Dawe (1-1), Treasurer; Dan Matthews (2-2); Sarajane Love (2-3); Rita Bennett (3-2); Vicky Moody (4-1); Myrna Adams West (5-2); Diana Jeffreys (6-2); Pat Adams (6-3).
Committee members absent (excused): Bill Yarbrough (4-2), Vice-Chair; Ann Stoneburner (1-3); Robert Wyatt (6-1).
Committee members absent (unexcused): Tony Glenn (1-2); Linda Elkins (3-1).
Others: Pat Priest, David Jarrett, Bobby Saxon, Julian Johnson (Bobby Saxon campaign), Sherry Jackson, Jonathan McGinty (Sherry Jackson campaign), Pam & Ken Davis, Terri Dorsey (Obama campaign).
Becky called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.
Minutes: The minutes from the September 4, 2008 meeting were approved unanimously after a motion by Dan Matthews and second by Vicky Moody.
Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Violet Dawe reported that the balance in the account was $XXXXX, after $XXXX was donated to Sherry Jackson's campaign after last month's meeting.
Campaign reports: Bobby Saxon and Sherry Jackson each reported on the progress of their campaigns and suggested "talking points" for us to use in conversations. Both brought yard signs for distribution, and several committee members volunteered to take and help distribute signs in the county. Terri Dorsey reported briefly on local efforts from the Obama campaign.
November 4 ballot: Copies of the ballot were distributed along with some editorials about the three proposed constitutional amendments. There was a discussion about those amendments as well as a highly contested race for State Court of Appeals Judge. Early voting is now available at the Board of Elections office, and several committee members have already voted.
Community Service:
o Adopt-a-Road: The next road cleanup will be sometime in December.
Fundraising Opportunities:
o Yard Sale: Saturday, October 18 (date of Fall Festival) at Rita Bennett's house at School St. and Second St., across from Rocket Field. Rita reported she has received some donations, but not nearly as many as last year. She made a plea for more items, and will send out an email. Tables are needed to put the items on for the sale, and volunteers are needed on Friday, October 17, to price items and set things out, and then all day on Oct. 18 to staff the yard sale.
Public Awareness—Pat Priest:
o Movie Night: The most recent movie night at Cine, combined with a Bobby Saxon event, was successful.
o Book Group: The book group discussion of John McCain's autobiography went well, even though the attendance at the Clarke County location at Cine was less than hoped for. The October discussions will be about Obama's autobiography.
o Sunday Series: The next event will be on Thursday, October 23, at the Phil Campbell Natural Resource Conservation Center, beginning at 5:30 pm.
Other Business:
o Cocktail Party at Ashford Manor: Pat P., Ann, Robert, and Becky will continue to pursue putting this event together. A tentative date is Sunday, November 2, at 5:30 pm. Another possible location is Maison Bleu.
o Nominating Committee: Becky, Sarajane, and Jonathan will serve as the Nominating Committee and will put together a proposed slate of officers to "read" at the November meeting and to vote on at the December holiday party at Becky's house.
o Committee membership: Two committee posts are still vacant.
Blue Hats: The Blue Hats meeting scheduled for October 11 has been cancelled. Whether or not to continue the monthly Blue Hats meetings or to cancel it or to change it to a different format (weekday "happy hour" gathering) will be on the agenda for our November 6 committee meeting.
Next meeting: Thursday, November 6, 7:30 pm (gathering and conversation beginning at 7:00 pm). NOTE: Our meeting location will change to the Government Annex on Greensboro Highway, just south of town, because of security issues and the need for a security guard at the courthouse.
December meeting: Will be a holiday party at Becky Vaughn's house (1030 Meriweather Drive, just off of Jimmy Daniel Road near intersection with Hwy 316) beginning at 6:30 pm. There will be a brief business meeting to elect officers, followed by holiday fun. Everyone should bring dessert or appetizer.
Local candidate debate: Monday, October 13, 2008, 7:00 pm, at the Oconee County Library.
As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb West