Wow, I am watching the Republican party implode every day in new ways I could never imagine. This is a letter to our Congressman from a constituent in the 10th District of Georgia. Will all this increase the turnout on either side of the aisle? Of course I think it will help the Democratic candidates of Jim Powell and Jim Martin. Three full time Obama staffers (two moved in since the General Election) are in Athens alone so let's see what we can get done. I think the Republican Party have provided a once in a lifetime opportunity here so we damn sure need to take full advantage of it. Keep talking about Paul Broun. I think there were four letters to the editor today and Jay Hamilton of Oconee County wrote a great one yesterday in the Athens Banner-Herald. The Oconee Enterprise wrote a very good story about Carl McGrath, Barb Eza and Patricia Priest volunteer efforts for the Obama campaign in Oconee County in different ways. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton could be another great choice, galvanizing moment and wonderful opportunity to attract women to the Martin, Powell and hopefully Sara Doyle for the Court of Appeals.
-------- Original Message --------
Mr. Thompson,
This letter is an open letter to Paul Braun. You may or may not be interested in publishing yet another one, at this point -- but this is no small matter and I cannot contain myself about it. I have sent the letter directly to Braun himself via his web page, but wanted to express public disgust on this matter of his recent remarks inferring a comparison, as he would prefer it, to Hitler. etc.
To Representative Paul Braun:
Barack Obama is our new democratically-chosen hope for cleaning out the Augean stables that this country has become under Republican leadership. Your rabble-rousing remarks line right up with those of extremists of the worst kind. You have maligned our new President-elect, an exemplary and virtuous man, who, even before taking office, has already changed America's badly-tarnished image here and around the world.
In addition, as an elected Representative of the state of Georgia, you have made Georgia look contemptible and even ignorant, I daresay, to the rest of the country.
Don't you see that these remarks don't even pass your own so-called "four-way test?" That is to say, they are neither moral, nor Constitutional, nor necessary, nor affordable. Words may be free but using them for rabble-rousing is costly.
I sincerely hope your career is ruined as a result of this lack of foresight and responsibility to your constituents at home -- especially the=2 0ones like me, who didn't vote for you in the first place. You can always fall back on being a doctor.
Sally Adair
Crawford, GA
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