Update on Two Roadways from Lee Becker at Oconee County Observations plus meaningless award from me
With recent residential transplant and Safe as Houses blogger Johnathan McGinty jumping the shark to Tondee's Tavern today, I nominate Lee Becker as Oconee Blogger of the Year. Here is just a little more from UGA PR prof Becker who helped battle the Oconee County government on any number of fronts, including the Barber Creek and numerous development skirmishes.
Dan J. Matthews, Jr.
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From: Lee Becker <lbbecker@mindspring.com>
Date: Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 10:37 AM
Subject: Update on Two Roadways
To: lbbecker@mindspring.com
Dear Friends,
I've just posted a story on my blog about the twists and turns the Board of Commissioners went through to justify rezoning on Dec. 2 the piece of property just east of the blind curve on Daniells Bridge Road for an office building. What isn't so clear is why the Board wanted to make these twists and turns, though the hope for more development in the area seems to be a part of it.
For details, go to my blog at http://www.oconeecountyobservations.blogspot.com/
On a related front, the Georgia Department of Transportation on Dec. 24 rejected all eight bids that were submitted on Dec. 12 for the Oconee Connector Extension. County Administrative Officer Alan Theriault told me yesterday that the project will be readvertised for March. The state did not give a reason for its rejection of the bids.
The Oconee Connector Extension is the roadway being built to the Epps Bridge Centre planned for the area west of Lowe's on Epps Bridge Parkway. The Board of Commissioners approved the rezone for the project on Oct. 7, but it said the developer cannot begin the project until contracts are let on the Extension.
Happy New Year to all!
Lee Becker
Blog: www.oconeecountyobservations.blogspot.com
Web: http://lbbecker48.googlepages.com/
From: Lee Becker <lbbecker@mindspring.com>
Date: Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 10:37 AM
Subject: Update on Two Roadways
To: lbbecker@mindspring.com
Dear Friends,
I've just posted a story on my blog about the twists and turns the Board of Commissioners went through to justify rezoning on Dec. 2 the piece of property just east of the blind curve on Daniells Bridge Road for an office building. What isn't so clear is why the Board wanted to make these twists and turns, though the hope for more development in the area seems to be a part of it.
For details, go to my blog at http://www.oconeecountyobservations.blogspot.com/
On a related front, the Georgia Department of Transportation on Dec. 24 rejected all eight bids that were submitted on Dec. 12 for the Oconee Connector Extension. County Administrative Officer Alan Theriault told me yesterday that the project will be readvertised for March. The state did not give a reason for its rejection of the bids.
The Oconee Connector Extension is the roadway being built to the Epps Bridge Centre planned for the area west of Lowe's on Epps Bridge Parkway. The Board of Commissioners approved the rezone for the project on Oct. 7, but it said the developer cannot begin the project until contracts are let on the Extension.
Happy New Year to all!
Lee Becker
Blog: www.oconeecountyobservations.blogspot.com
Web: http://lbbecker48.googlepages.com/
Dan J. Matthews, Jr.