Open House & Sale at Chappelle Gallery

Kathy and Jerry Chappelle are great people deserving of our support, so please attend their sale. They have done more for Watkinsville and Oconee County tourism than any government agency. Yes, they even bought commercials on my old talk radio show on NewsTalk 1340 WGAU AM back on Friday mornings. They have interesting art, they support Georgian artists and they have put their money where their mouths are time and time again. We need to support the arts in the Artland of Georgia, and there is no better place to start then the Chappelle's gallery on historic Main Street in Watkinsville. I guarantee they will have something interesting for you to ponder and perhaps purchase. Get up off your lazy arse and down to Chappelle Gallery.
Woven brightly, 
Daniel J. Matthews, Jr. 
Hope to see you there.
Kathy & Jerry