No big Oconee budget surprises | News |
Adding the burden to blue bag purchases (what everyone outside of Watkinsville and private garbage pick-up uses for trash) and recreation fees, not to mention wiping out Keep Oconee Beautiful basically says we don't care that we have wealthy people here who can afford a tax increase, so let's try to hide the budget shortfall on the backs of those who can least afford it - everyone else. Not a hallmark day for the Oconee County Board of Commissioners or our local county government.No big Oconee budget surprises | News |
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It sounds like they increased the fees on things that directly charge the people who are using the services (garbage and recreation). Should everyone subsidize garbage and recreation fees so that the people who are actually using those services the most can get them for less?
Assuming that waste management and recreation ARE subsidized by the general county fund, and were not already self-sustaining (a pretty good assumption), this looks like a good thing to me.
If people want to reduce their garbage costs, how about they stop being lazy and sort out those recyclables, which they can then get rid of for free? In general I'd bet that many people in Oconee are not bothering to recycle right now (not to mention reducing or reusing). This alone is a good reason to raise the cost of eliminating garbage.
Less government, less taxes overall, more direct fees for people who use services -- these are all good things to me. At least this might be a step in that direction.