Oconee Democratic Book Club April book selection: Catch 22 by Joseph Heller
I applaud the selections, the authors, the audacity of a group bold enough to try to spread ideas of liberty and freedom through literature, and anyone with the balls to try to expand the literacy of an otherwise backwoods country county with a bunch of people meeting in a deli to compare notes on books they love or do not care for and why.
Go check it out in the Oconee County Library. Click on the links and order the book and I may actually see a few pennies someday out of your purchase.
Go check it out in the Oconee County Library. Click on the links and order the book and I may actually see a few pennies someday out of your purchase.
Subject: April book selection
Could you please help me get the word out about the book choice for our
April discussion? We're reading the classic "Catch 22."
I really appreciate your assistance. Our group keeps growing and is
increasingly diverse.
Thank you!
Pat Priest
Member, Oconee Democrats
The community-wide book group sponsored by the Oconee Democrats is
reading Joseph Heller's "Catch 22
" for its April selection. The
satirical book, set at the end of World War II, is ranked 7th on the
Modern Library's list of important novels written in English in the 20th
The New Republic described the book as a "morally serious, darkly comic masterpiece." The Herald Tribune summarized the book this way a few days after its publication in 1961: "a wild, moving, shocking, hilarious, raging, exhilarating, giant roller-coaster of a book."
The group meets to discuss first-rate novels and non-fiction books about politics, history, and the natural world. They gather the last
Wednesday of every month at 6 PM at Five Points Deli on Epps Bridge
Parkway. This month's discussion takes place on April 28th and is open
to people from any county with any political leanings.
Books are available at a 25% discount at Books Galore in Watkinsville.
For more information, contact Pat Priest at patricia.priest@yahoo.com.