Town Of North High Shoals March 2010 Meeting Notes from Fred

Former council member Fred Johnson brought his son Henri with him to the meeting, and he still took his usual amazing notes and give us his point of view on topics surrounding North High Shoals. Aside from cutting down on superfluous exclamation points about a sidewalk, I run it as is for the most part.

From: Fred Johnson <>
Date: April 18, 2010 9:32:52 PM EDT
To: Fred Johnson <>
Subject: TONHS March 2010 Meeting Notes from Fred

Dear Fellow High Shoalers,                                                                                 April 18, 2010
On Monday we welcomed Kim Kraeling as our new mayor and Jason Wiscneski as the new council member.  Judge Anglin conducted the swearing in. WELCOME TO ALL!  Thanks for stepping forward to serve our community.
            The Town Council made big news about moving forward on a couple fronts to make our town more walk-able.  Steve Arnold made a motion to collect more bids to connect the entrances of Hickory Lake Subdivision and then build that sidewalk; it passed 5-0.  Another sidewalk is coming.  This will be the town's first use of SPLOST funding.  Council Member Steve Holzman is inviting people to join him in researching and planning possible greenways for walking in the town; he can be contacted through the Town's web site.
The spring work day in the Town Park went well with a dozen people helping.  The park was used this past weekend for a stage in a 100 mile bike ride with scores of people using the Town Park.  On May 1st we'll have a dog day at the park; more details about this will be coming.  People in the community and out of the community are making good use of our park and taking care of the park at the same time.  I just saw Council Member Lawrence watering the new plants in the park Friday night.  A baseball team is regularly using and caring for the baseball field.  The park seems to be active with people every time I drive by it.
            Council Member Arnold will be leading the Spring effort to send care packages to the four people from our community serving in the military overseas.  The item which took the largest amount of time at the meeting was the discussion of the PMW business license; the Town Council agreed to table the application due to differences in interpretation of the PMW restriction agreement.  At Monday's meeting citizens will have their first chance to voice opinions on a proposed cell tower in the city.
Thanks for your support of North High Shoals; I'll see you at the next meeting.
                                                                                    Fred Johnson
Unofficial Town of North High Shoals Council Meeting Notes
March 22, 2010
By Fred Johnson
Council Members at the Meeting:  Mayor Kim Kraeling, Council Members Jason Wisniewski, Steve Holzman, David Lawrence, Steve Arnold, Violet Dawe, and Clerk Carolyn Pritchett.
Citizens and Guests: Mike Beall, Suzanne Beall, Mark Campbell, Chuck Horton, Wes Donegan, Eric Eberhart, Horst Klein, Jeff Thomas, Jeffry Thomas, John MacKay, Michele Lease, Henri Johnson, Sam Johnson, Bill Kraeling, John Lauth, Jessica Tiller, Jessica Rumley, Rhianna Eades, Kristin Jenkins, Judge Anglin, and Fred Johnson.
Oaths of Office by Judge Anglin
·        Kim Kraeling was sworn in as Mayor, and Jason Wisniewski was sworn in for Council Post #1 by Judge Anglin.
Agenda Setting
  • Mayor Kraeling asked for speed limits, town limits, & ETL business license to be placed on April's agenda, and the cell tower moved to the top of the agenda.
  • Motion by Council Wisniewski to reorder the agenda as requested.  2nd by Council Member Arnold; approved 5-0.
Monthly Business:
  • Presentation of Draft Minutes for month of February 15, 2010.  Motion to accept the minutes as corrected by Council Member Lawrence.  2nd by Council Member Arnold; approved 5-0.   
  • Presentation of Financial Statement for February, 2010: Motion to approve financial statements by Council Member Holzman.  2nd by Council MemberLawrence; approved 5-0.
Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items: No public comments were made.
Old Business: 

1. Cell Tower
  • Council Member Dawe reported information from the Oconee County Planning Commission meeting to the Town Council.
Staff Resolutions:
  • Budget Reallocation Resolution:  Motion made by Council Member Dawe.  2nd by Council Member Holzman.  Approved 5-0.
  • Resolution to Change the names on the park loan.  Motion made by Council Member Holzman.  2nd by Council Member Arnold.  Approved 5-0.
  • Resolution to set a $500 discretionary spending ceiling for the Town Council.  Motion made by Council Member Holzman.  2nd by Council Member Wisniewski.  Approved 5-0.
Old Business: 

1. City Park (D. Lawrence)
  • Council Member Lawrence reported on the accomplishments of the park clean-up day, and the need for water for upcoming bike ride being hosted in the park. Here are some of the people who worked at the park and town hall; I apologize for not having a list of everyone: David Lawrence, Mike Beall, Violet Dawe, Fred Johnson, Mark Campbell, Jason Wisniewski, and others.
2. Website Update (S. Holzman)
  • Council Member Holzman reported all was up to date and answered questions.
3. Speed Platforms (D. Lawrence)
  • Council Member Lawrence reported that he has painted several of the speed bumps recently and plans to continue that effort.
4. Lawn Service Bid (C. Pritchett)
  • Clerk Pritchett reported that she has posted a request for bids in several places.
5. Tail Protection Insurance  (S. Arnold)
  • Council Member Arnold explained this type of coverage to the town.  He explained that it was expensive, and that it would not cover very much.  He continues to recommend that the town not purchase this.
6. Road Repair Cost (V. Dawe)
  • Council Member Dawe reported on the completion of the repairs to the upper part of Plantation to prepare for paving.
7. Septic System Update  (V. Dawe)
  • Council Member Dawe reported that the residence in question has been asked to repair the problem within 60 days
8. Safe Deposit Box & Front Door Lock (V. Dawe)
  • Council Member Dawe reported that the former mayor returned the safety deposit box key, and she and the clerk opened it to find only a past insurance policy. Council Member Wisniewski replaced the front lock of the town hall.
New Business: 

9. Occupational Tax Certificate Applications
  • Mayor Kraeling explained the town's policy on provisional business licenses for businesses in R-2 zoning areas by reading the provisional explanation from the town lawyer. 
  • R2 zone - PMW (Wesley Donegan) – 202 Plantation Rd.  The Mayor also explained the agreement for PMW as detailed at the last meeting.  Extensive discussion took place about PMW and the details of this agreement worked out by the former mayor.  Disagreements were expressed over interpretations of this agreement, the willingness of parties to abide by the agreement, enforcement of the agreement.   Motion made by Council Member Lawrence to table the PMW application. 2nd by Council Member Holzman.  Approved 4-1(Holzman).
  • R2 zone - PNE Enterprises (Patrick Nelson) – 201 Hillsboro Rd.  Motion made by Council Member Holzman to grant provisional occupation tax.  2nd by Council Member Lawrence.  Approved 5-0.
  • A1 zone - Appraisal Services of Ga., Inc. (Scott Wilson) – 427 Rays Church Rd. Motion made by Council Member Holzman to accept application.  2nd by Council Member Lawrence.  Approved 5-0.
  • A1 zone - Arch Real Estate Services, Inc. (Jennifer Wilson) – 427 Rays Church Rd. Motion made by Council Member Holzman to accept application.  2nd by Council Member Arnold.  Approved 5-0.
  • A1 zone – Baboon Science Aquatics (John Lauth) – 254 Gober Rd.  Motion made by Council Member Holzman to accept application and  2nd by Council Member Wisniewski.  Approved 5-0.
  • Insurance company license Motion made by Council Member Dawe to accept application.  2nd by Council Member Lawrence.  Approved 5-0.
  • Motion made by Council Member Dawe extend meeting to 10 pm.  2nd by Council Member Wisniewski.  Approved 5-0.
10. "May Day is Dog Day" at the Park (J. MacKay)
  • John MacKay asked the Town Council to approve a dog day event at the park on May 1.  All people will be encouraged to bring their dogs for good natured competitions like cutest dog, best dressed, etc.  Vendors have agreed to be present.  John will chair the event.
  • Motion made by Council Member Dawe toallow and the town to sponsor the event.  2nd by Council Member Lawrence.  Approved 5-0.
11. Town Hall Work Day (J. Wisniewski)
  • Council Member Law Wisniewski reported on needs for repair at Town Hall.  Town Council discussed specific needs of the grounds.
  • Motion made by Council Member Lawrence make April 17 a work day.  2nd by Council Member Arnold.  Approved 5-0.
12. Horse Path at Park (asked for by M. Candelario)
  • Council Member Dawe explained citizen requests for a horse path at the park
  • Motion made by Council Member Dawe to examine a horse path at the park and a committee to develop the path and  2nd by Council MemberLawrence.  Approved 5-0.
13. Budget (K. Kraeling)
  • Mayor Kraeling explained the process of establishing the 2010-2011 budget over the next three moths.
14. Bike Day at the Park on April 10/Georgia Cities Day (V. Dawe)
  • Council Member Dawe explained the use of the park as mile 79 of a 100 mile bike ride;  community members are invited to participate
15. Sidewalks Hickory Lake / Green Trails (S. Arnold)
  • Council Member Arnold explained opportunities for creating new walkways and sidewalks in the town.
  • Motion made by Council Member Arnold to ask for more bids to build a sidewalk between the entrances of Hickory Lake along Elder Road and then build the sidewalk.  2nd by Council Member Dawe.  Approved 5-0.
16. Greenway ideas (S. Holzman)
  • Council Member Holzman will lead the gathering of ideas for how to create a greenway path through the town.  He asked for community help
17. Soldier Support - Round 2 (S. Arnold)
  • Council Member Arnold announced a spring effort to send care boxes to the four north High Shoals members serving in the military overseas.
  • Motion made by Council Member Arnold to sponsor this effort.  2nd by Council Member Holzman.  Approved 5-0.
18. Well Grant Possibilities (J. Wisniewski)
  • Council Member Wisniewski reported on opportunities open to members of our community for financing for new wells.
  • Motion made by Council Member Holzman to extend the meeting 15 minutes.  2nd by Council Member Dawe.  Approved 5-0.
19. Dumpster Day (S. Holzman)
  • Council Member Holzman explained that he would like the council to plan this and offered some prices; he asked for this to be done at the April meeting.  He also explained how people can dispose of tires and electronics.
20. Steeplechase (V. Dawe)
  • Council Member Dawe reported that the issue of the equestrian trail in this subdivision is being resolved in order to keep the trail.
21. Park Day (D. Lawrence)
  • Council Member Lawrence reported that many people came out to help clean the park.  He has hopes to continue this and increase participation in the future.
22. Cooperation with Oconee County School System (S. Arnold)
  • Council Member Arnold proposed to invite Superintendent Jackson to come talk to the council about how we can both work together.  It was suggested to do this in June or July.
Mayor's Update:
(All requests to be on the agenda must be submitted at least 7 days before a meeting.  Direct your agenda items to Town Clerk Carolyn Pritchett or any Town Council Member.  Look for the agenda for the next council meeting on the town's web site one week before the next meeting.  The next council meeting will be held at 7: 30 pm on Monday, April 19, 2010.)
  • Mayor Kraeling wanted to remind everyone to turn in their census forms.  She hopes that the code will be finished at the next meeting, and she encourages all to come to the April meeting. 
  • Motion made by Council Member Dawe to adjourn.  2nd by Council Member Lawrence.  Approved 5-0.



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