Reminder: Political Forum Tonight at North Oconee Fine Arts Auditorium

I'm going - are you? You need to attend to see the future of Oconee County and not to mention the impressive acoustics of the North Oconee High School Fine Arts Auditorium.

Woven brightly, 
Daniel J. Matthews, Jr.

Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2010 18:00:17 +0000
Subject: [oconee] Reminder: Political Forum Tonight

Just a reminder that the Chamber of Commerce Political Forum is tonight, 6 - 9:30 pm, at the North Oconee High School Auditorium.

Questioning does not begin until 7 pm. Meet and greet is from 6- 7 pm.

Please attend if you can to both learn everything you can about the BOC candidates and support Democratic candidates.





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