Town Of North High Shoals June Meeting Notes from Fred Johnson

Subject: TONHS June Meeting Notes from Fred

Dear Fellow High Shoalers,                                                                                          July 15, 2010
Council Member Lawrence is working on several items in the park like a water fountain and horse shoe pit.  Council Member Wisniewski and Holzman are busy cleaning the grounds and buildings around the Town Hall.  Council Member Arnold and Dawe are working with people to box and mail packages to soldiers over-seas. And Mayor Kraeling and Clerk Pritchett are supervising all this and making sure the town mail and bills are taken care of.  It's hard to keep up with all the stuff these people and their helpers are doing.  You are getting a lot of volunteer hours out of these folks.
Before the next Town Council meeting there will be a public hearing about the closing of a small part of Frazier Hill Road You might want to come watch over this transfer of a public road to the adjacent landowners.
Farmers Market in Watkinsville…………………………Every Saturday morning
Next Public Hearing and Council Meeting ………………July 19th
Voting in the Primaries……………………………………July 20th or Early Voting
Thanks for your support of North High Shoals; I'll see you at the next meeting.
                                                                                    Peace, Fred Johnson
Unofficial Town of North High Shoals Council Meeting Notes
June 21, 2010
By Fred Johnson
Council Members at the Meeting:  Mayor Kraeling, Council Members Jason Wisniewski, Steve Arnold, Violet Dawe, Steve Holzman, and Clerk Carolyn Pritchett.
Citizens and Guests: John MacKay, Horst Klein, Tammy Gilland, Mark Campbell, Mike Beall, Wade Hennington, Dave Kirk, Mr. Johnson,  Jeff Thomas, Dave Evans, Paula Cooper and] Husband, and Fred Johnson.
Public Hearing and Vote on Annual Budget
  • Mayor Kraeling asked the public and Council for input on the budget and led discussion.
  • Motion to accept the minutes as corrected by Council Member Dawe.  2nd by Council Member Holzman; approved 4-0.   
Agenda Setting
  • Mayor Kraeling asked to add a building permit for Horst Klein under building permits.
Monthly Business:
  • Presentation of Draft Minutes for May 2010.  Motion to accept the minutes by Council Member Arnold 2nd by Council Member ???????; approved 4-0.   
  • Presentation of Financial Statement for May 2010.  Motion to approve financial statements by Council Member Dawe.  2nd by Council Member ???; approved 4-0.
Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items:
  • Woodmen of the World presented a flag to the Town of North High Shoals which was requested by Council Member Dawe.
  • Tammy Gilland, a candidate for Oconee Board of Commissioners Post #3 and resident of North Nigh Shoals, introduced herself to the Town Council, explained why she was running for office, and offered to take questions.
Old Business: 

1. Building Permits
  • Cell Tower building permit: Motion to approve the permit by Council Member Holzman.  2nd by Council Member Wisniewski. Approved 4-0.
  • Horst Klein Pole Barn building permit.  Motion to waive one week requirement for a building permit by Council Member Holzman.  2nd by Council Member Arnold. Approved 4-0.  Motion to approve the permit by Council Member Holzman.  2nd by Council Member Dawe. Approved 4-0.
2. Soldier Support (S. Arnold)
  • Council Members Arnold and Dawe reported on efforts to finalize the latest town mailing to soldiers over seas.  Community members have donated both money and items for the mailing.
3. City Park Update  
·       Water lines and fountains are moving ahead.  The Council is looking for alternative means of disposing of the Town's garbage.  The horse shoe pit is being worked on; a sign with rules for the pit will be sponsored by local business ETL Construction.  The Council also discussed herbicide use at the park.
  • Motion to require a deposit for use of the park pavilion of $10 for residents, $25 for non-residents, and to issue a blue bag to pavilion users by Council Member Holzman.  2nd by Council Member Dawe; approved 4-0.
  • Motion to make the park non-smoking by Council Member Holzman.  2nd by Council Member Dawe; approved 4-0.

4. Sidewalk and Sidewalk Safety Items (S. Arnold)
·       Council Member Arnold led discussion on sidewalk construction and bids for a sidewalk connecting the entrances of Hickory Lake Subdivision.
  • Motion to bid-out the sidewalk by Council Member Dawe.  2nd by Council Member Arnold; approved 4-0
5. Code Update
  • Mayor Kraeling explained that the Town Council held an extensive work session to discuss the code.  Council Member Holzman reported that the code is available on the town Website.  Council Member Arnold reported back on his assignment concerning franchise fees.
  • Motion by Council Member Holzman to table the vote until July 19.  2nd by Council Member Wisniewski; approved 3-1(Dawe).
6. Town Hall Cleanup (J. Wisniewski)
  • Wisniewski reported on efforts to clean trees and debris from around town hall, itemize what was stored in the out buildings, secure those buildings with locks, and present a plan to clean up the area.
7. Walking Trails (S. Holzman)
  • Council Member Holzman reported that he is collecting information on how other communities have developed walking trails.
8. Steeplechase Update  (J. MacKay)
  • John MacKay reported on progress being made to resolve the horse trail issue.
  • Motion for mayor to write letter requesting Steeplechase resident to allow access for the horse trail by Council Member Holzman.  2nd by Council Member Arnold; approved 4-0.
9. Road Maintenance on Speedway and Dickens Lane
  • Mayor Kraeling reported that the County has quoted the town a price of over $6,000 to repair these roads.  Dawe and Holzman discussed financial and construction issues facing the town for these and other roads.
New Business:
10. Frazier Hill Road
  • Mayor Kraeling explained that the official process of closing a public road was not followed by the previous Council.  The town needs to hold a public hearing and follow other procedures about turning the road over to the adjacent property owners.
  • Motion made by Council Member Holzman that the town proceed through the proper methods of closing Frazier Hill Road with minimal cost to the town not to exceed $100 and 2nd by Council Member Arnold.  Approved 3-1(Dawe).
11. Rumble Strips on North High Shoals Road – Combine with Sidewalk Construction (V. Dawe)
  • Council discussed the feasibility of reducing these rumble strips.
12. Greenway Plans
  • Council discussed working on this item in the future.
13. Pesticide Use
  • Motion made by Council Member Dawe that signs be posted in the park when fire ant killer has been applied.   2nd by Council Member Holzman. Approved 4-0.
14. RDC Fees
  • Mayor Kraeling informed the Council that the Regional Development Authority has billed the town for $498 for membership dues which it has not done in the past. The town is required to pay this item according to GA Law.
Motion made by Council Member Wisniewski to extend the time of the meeting and 2nd by Council Member Dawe.  Approved 4-0.
15. DOT Grant
  • Mayor Kraeling announced a June 24 workshop for cities to learn more about funding methods.  Council members discussed who would be able to attend.
Mayor's Update:
(All requests to be on the agenda must be submitted at least 7 days before a meeting.  Direct your agenda items to Town Clerk Carolyn Pritchett or any Town Council Member.  Look for the agenda for the next council meeting on the town's web site one week before the next meeting.  The next council meeting will be held at 7: 30 pm on Monday, July 19, 2010.)
  • Mayor Kraeling read a thank you note from the Tony Serrano Century ride to the town.
  • Mayor Kraeling also read a note from the Oconee County Planning Commission thanking the town for their participation and for the good work done by our representative, Karl Berg.
  • Mayor Kraeling informed council members that they needed to complete some specific campaign discosure reports before July1.
  • Motion made by Council Member Lawrence to adjourn.  2nd by Council Member Wisniewski.  Approved 4-0.


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