Watkinsville council OKs photo studio
My only question is this: every time a business wants to open in Watkinsville and some feathers are ruffled along the way, will we have a special called meeting? I hope the entire episode is a lesson well learned by all parties. I am grateful and glad that Watkinsville now has a high class portraiture studio in town, even though the traffic and turns generated by it may make it even worse of a traffic nightmare on Whitehall - Simonton Bridge Road. All that being said, here are my seven cents of sense on this issue. No one is right or wrong or to blame in this contentious matter. I truly understand how each side voted and why contingencies were added.
1. Conditional Use Permits in general suck ass, and are a Pandora's box better left unopened which always seem to lead to the perspective of spot zoning (regardless of the fact of whether they are or not).
2. Realtors should never be allowed to have huge ugly four foot by four foot signs for any property - commercial or otherwise - any time.
3. No matter if Daddy is bankrolling, you need to have the daughter or family member residing there speak to the city council from the onset.
4. Never let Realtors lecture the council on how the city should conduct its business.
5. If anyone attempts to pass off real estate signs as art, they should be subject to immediate sanction and complete public humiliation and shame.
6. Anticipate the shenanigans of charlatans at an earlier stage next time, not to say anyone involved in this incident is of demeaning character or deserving of disparaging remarks or the pejoratives previously uttered at the beginning of this sentence. The McClure family did not need to attend the four or five meetings that they did ahead of their city council appointment, so far that they should be commended.
7. Home businesses are the true lifeblood of Watkinsville and should be treated as such. I am happy that this was the ultimate outcome.
The Oconee Enterprise > Latest Updates > Watkinsville council OKs photo studio
1. Conditional Use Permits in general suck ass, and are a Pandora's box better left unopened which always seem to lead to the perspective of spot zoning (regardless of the fact of whether they are or not).
2. Realtors should never be allowed to have huge ugly four foot by four foot signs for any property - commercial or otherwise - any time.
3. No matter if Daddy is bankrolling, you need to have the daughter or family member residing there speak to the city council from the onset.
4. Never let Realtors lecture the council on how the city should conduct its business.
5. If anyone attempts to pass off real estate signs as art, they should be subject to immediate sanction and complete public humiliation and shame.
6. Anticipate the shenanigans of charlatans at an earlier stage next time, not to say anyone involved in this incident is of demeaning character or deserving of disparaging remarks or the pejoratives previously uttered at the beginning of this sentence. The McClure family did not need to attend the four or five meetings that they did ahead of their city council appointment, so far that they should be commended.
7. Home businesses are the true lifeblood of Watkinsville and should be treated as such. I am happy that this was the ultimate outcome.
The Oconee Enterprise > Latest Updates > Watkinsville council OKs photo studio