Town Of North High Shoals September Meeting Notes from Fred

Date: October 17, 2010 10:14:09 PM EDT
To: Fred Johnson <>
Subject: TONHS September Meeting Notes from Fred

Dear Fellow High Shoalers,                                                                                          October 17, 2010
The meeting opened with a visit from Judge David Sweat who is running for reelection.  Check the notes below if you want to know more about his efforts to fight crime in a more proactive manner through connecting people in court to resources to support their families.
Here's a local safety issue most of you have an opinion about…..Speed Bumps on Hillsboro or No Speed Bumps on Hillsboro?  That is the question which is being discussed between our Town Council and the Oconee County Commission.  Oconee County is about to resurface Hillsboro, and as NHS expected, NHS will have to remove the speed bumps.  The Council assumed that they would put back the speed bumps, but the replacement of the speed bumps is being questioned by Oconee County.  This issue is in its early stages of development, so your opinion has time to have an impact.  Let the Town Council and the Oconee County Commission know what you think about the future of speed bumps on Hillsboro.  I'd like to know where everyone stands also.
Council members continue to spearhead repairs in the park and at town hall.  Mayor Kraeling answered some questions about when you will need to get a building permit; those questions and answers will be posted on the town's web site.  Due to current liability concerns by the current contractor maintaining the town park, the council decided to close the park during maintenance.
Farmers Market in Watkinsville…………………………Every Saturday morning
Next Public Council Meeting ……………………………October 18th
Dog Day at the NHS Park ………………………………April 23  
Thanks for your support of North High Shoals; I'll see you at the next meeting.
                                                                                    Peace, Fred Johnson

Unofficial Town of North High Shoals Council Meeting Notes
September 18, 2010
By Fred Johnson
Council Members at the Meeting:  Council Members, Jason Wisniewski, Steve Holzman, David Lawrence, and Clerk Carolyn Pritchett.

Citizens and Guests: Mike Beall, David Sweat, BJ Ivie, Horst Klein, & Fred Johnson
Agenda Setting
  • Council agreed to postpone several items on the agenda.
Monthly Business:
  • Presentation of Draft Minutes for August 2010.  Motion to accept the minutes by Council Member Holzman.  2nd by Council Member Wisniewski; approved 3-0.   
  • Presentation of Financial Statement for August 2010.  Motion to approve financial statements by Council Member Holzman.  2nd by Council Member Lawrence; approved 3-0.
Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items:
  • David Sweat, Superior Court Judge, spoke to the council about his bid for reelection.  His jurisdiction covers Athens/Clarke and Oconee Counties.  Topics that appear in the Superior court range from speeding to murder trials.  Judge Sweat explained several programs which he initiated to protect the community from crime, support families, and fight drug problems.  He started the Treatment and Accountability Court; this mental health court program has resulted in decreasing the jail time for the mentally ill through connecting them to other resources than jail.  He also started the second Child Support Payment Court in the state to make sure parents are providing for their kids and are able to provide for them.  He emphasized these two examples of his actions in his efforts to be more proactive on crime.
  • Council Member Holzman raised the topic of abandoned properties in the town.  Council said they would look into this.
Old Business:
1. Steeplechase Subdivision Update (K. Kraeling)
  • Mayor Kraeiling informed the council that information on this topic is still being gathered and will be presented to the council later.
2. City Park Update and Ballteam Donation (D. Lawrence)
  • Lawrence informed the council that we might want to install porta johns in the park because the next team will not be placing one in the park until February.  He also discussed work which will be done on the ball field by the groups using the park.  He also reported about maintenance of the basketball goals.
  • Mayor Kraeling explained the plumbing that is being done to provide a yard hydrant and fountain at the park.
3. Sidewalk Update (S. Arnold)
  • Mayor Kraeling and Clerk Pritchett reported positive feedback from the new sidewalks on Elder Road.
4. Park Lawn Maintenance and Herbicide Use (D. Lawrence)
  • Council Member Lawrence reported on efforts to find alternatives to conventional herbicide use in the park.  Council, town park maintenance contractor, and the public discussed maintaining grassy borders in the park.
  • Motion to allow use of herbicides in specific areas of the park with appropriate sign posting by Council Member Lawrence.  2nd by Council Member Wisniewski.  Approved 2-1 (Holzman).
  • Motion to close the park during maintenance by Council Member Holzman.  2nd by Council Member Lawrence.  Approved 3-0.
5. Frazier Hill Plat Survey Completion (K. Kraeling)
  • Mayor Kraeling reported that the city is still waiting on the completion of the survey.
6. Street Update & Public Meeting (S. Holzman)
  • Mayor Kraeling reported on plans by the county to pave Hillsboro.  The county has raised objections to the city's use of speedbumps on this road.
  • Motion to have a town meeting on road needs for SPLOST in February or March by Council Member Holzman.  2nd by Council Member Wisniewski. Approved 3-0.
7. Town Property Maintenance. Update (J. Wisniewski)
  • Council Member Wisniewski explained gutter work being completed on the town's buildings.  The council made plans to complete this work done by volunteer labor spearheaded by Council Member Wisniewski on October 9th
8. Fire Station Update/Budget (K. Kraeling & M. Swan)
  • Mayor Kraeling asked the council if she could email the details of budgeting maintenance of these buildings to the council.
  • Motion to table this issue by Council Member Holzman.  2nd by Council Member Lawrence. Approved 3-0.
9. Non-Conforming Use, J. Thomas (K. Kraeling)
  • Mayor Kraeling explained that the town attorney has advised the council that the livestock on the property of Jeff Thomas is a non-conforming use due to possible grandfathering issues.
  • Motion to recognize and allow the nonconforming use of animals on a residential lot owned by Jeff Thomas by Council Member Lawrence.  2nd by Council Member Holzman. Approved 3-0.
10. Code Update/Bldg. Code (S. Holzman)
  • Council Member Lawrence thanked Fred Johnson for helping him build the horseshoe pit in the park.  He also thanked Harry Bradbury, Mitch Bradbury, and Violet Dawe for helping to complete the trench for the water lines for the new drinking fountain for the park.  The plumbers will need to be brought in to complete the job.   He also thanked Molly Swan for pulling poison ivy in the park.
  • Council Member Lawrence also informed the council that a new baseball team is interested in using the park from September to June; they will complete some work on the field and provide a porta-potty for the park.
  • Motion to edit section  371 of the code change the date of the meeting to the third Monday of the month by Council Member Holzman.  2nd by Council Member Holzman.  Approved 3-0.
  • Motion to edit section  632 place reserved instead of garbage contracting by Council Member Holzman.  2nd by Council Member Holzman.  Approved 3-0.
  • Motion to change name to Section 7312 Wildlife Resources Division be inserted instead of Game and Fish Division by Council Member Holzman.  2nd by Council Member Holzman.  Approved 3-0.
  • Motion to incorporate Oconee County Animal control ordinance and recent changes by Council Member Holzman.  2nd by Council Member Holzman. Approved 3-0.
New Business:
11. Bike Ride & Possible Park Use in November (date unset)
  • Mayor Kraeling said this item has been post-poned.
12. Building Inspection Update Council Member Holzman explained that he is waiting on one item of wording from the town lawyer. 
  • Mayor Kraeling presented research to the council to answer questions from the council about the requiring of permits by the town in various situations.  Questions and answers will be posted on the town web site to make sure people know when they need a building permit.
13. Housing Request by Mr. Tidwell
  • Mayor Kraeling said this item has been post-poned.
14. Christmas parade entry – 12/4 10:00am line-up
  • The council expressed desire to participate in the parade again this year.  Horst Klein offered to help the town with tractor and wagon.
Mayor's Update:
(All requests to be on the agenda must be submitted at least 7 days before a meeting.  Direct your agenda items to Town Clerk Carolyn Pritchett or any Town Council Member.  Look for the agenda for the next council meeting on the town's web site one week before the next meeting.  The next council meeting will be held at 7: 30 pm on Monday, October 18, 2010.)

  • Mayor Kraeling said the dog day at the park event will be April 23 with a rain date of May 7.
  • Mayor Kraeling reported that the annual audit was completed on time again with no issues raised.
  • Mayor Kraeling reported that the town had correspondence from the Netherlands saying they visited our town in July and expressed very positive opinions of the town.
  • Motion made by Council Member Holzman to adjourn.  2nd by Council Member Lawrence.  Approved 4-0.


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