Dear Fellow High Shoalers, November 14, 2010
Speed Bumps on Hillsboro continued to be a leading issue for the town. Oconee County is about to resurface Hillsboro; the county expressed that they did not want the town to have speed bumps along Hillsboro. The Council discussed this issue extensively at their October meeting and had another meeting on November 1st to continue discussion. County Chair Melvin Davis came to the November 1 meeting to listen to the council and discuss their desire for traffic calming devices along Hillsboro.
Council members continue to spearhead repairs in the park and at town hall. Jason is leading work to complete the gutters on the town hall and David has another park work day to fix some items in the park. Violet is leading an effort to write a grant to expand the trails in the city park.
Farmers Market in Watkinsville………………………Every Saturday morning
Next NHS Council Meeting ……………………………November 15th
NHS in Christmas Parade…………………………… December 4th
Dog Day at the NHS Park ……………………………April 23
Thanks for your support of North High Shoals; I'll see you at the next meeting.
Peace, Fred Johnson
Unofficial Town of North High Shoals Council Meeting Notes
October 18, 2010
By Fred Johnson
Council Members at the Meeting: Council Members, Kim Kraeling, Jason Wisniewski, Steve Arnold, Violet Dawe, David Lawrence, and Clerk Carolyn Pritchett.
Citizens and Guests: Mike Beall, Pam Hendrix, Karl Berg, Ronnie Tidwell, Molly Swan, & Fred Johnson
Agenda Setting
- Motion to add a permit request by J. Thomas to the agenda at number 13 by Council Member Lawrence. 2nd by Council Member Arnold. Approved 3-1 (Dawe).
Monthly Business:
- Presentation of Draft Minutes for September 2010. Motion to accept the minutes by Council Member Wisniewski. 2nd by Council Member Lawrence; approved 3-0-1 (Dawe).
- Presentation of Financial Statement for September 2010. Motion to approve financial statements by Council Member Wisniewski. 2nd by Council Member Lawrence; approved 4-0.
Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items:
- Pam Hendrix, Superior Court Judge candidate spoke to the council about her reasons for running for superior court judge.
Old Business:
1. City Park Update (D. Lawrence)
Ø Council Member Lawrence presented park needs and actions to the council.
Ø Motion to set a park work day November 13 from 9am to Noon by Council Member Lawrence. 2nd by Council Member Dawe. Approved 4-0.
2. Frazier Hill Plat Survey Completion (K. Kraeling)
- Mayor Kraeling reported that a survey has been completed and filed with the county.
3. Street Update (D. Lawrence)
- Council Member Lawrence reported that he had placed reflectors on the newly paved portion of Plantation Road.
4. Town Property Mtnce. Update (J. Wisniewski)
- Council Member Wisniewski reported that he started the work on placing gutters on the town hall and noted other repairs which will have to be made.
New Business:
5. Cole Springs/Hillsboro Road Resurfacing (K. Kraeling)
- Mayor Kraeling reported that after her meeting with Oconee County Chair Melvin Davis, the County Commission wrote a letter to the town saying that they would pave Hillsboro but they do not want the speed bumps placed on the road. The Commissioners suggested that the NHS should take over responsibility for paving Hillsboro.
- The council had extensive discussion on the needs of the town for the speed bumps on Hillsboro and how the town should respond to the county.
- Motion to have a town work session followed by a meeting on Hillsboro Road issues and the town's response to the county on November 1, 2010 by Council Member Lawrence. 2nd by Council Member Dawe. Approved 4-0.
6. Speed Bump Discussion
7. Mobile Home Request (Ronnie Tidwell)
- Council members listened to a request for a hardship exemption and advised Mr. Tidwell about how to proceed through the planning commission.
- Motion to have the town attorney advise the council how to proceed on this item by Council Member Dawe. 2nd by Council Member Arnold. Approved 4-0.
8. Code Update
- Mayor Kraeling discussed the need of a second presentation for code changes
- Motion to accept code changes as presented at the last council meeting by Council Member Lawrence. 2nd by Council Member Wisniewski. Approved 4-0.
9. Ga. Park Grant Information Handout
- Mayor Kraeling explained the grant process and Council Member Dawe offered to take the lead with the help of other council and community members.
10. City Park Work Day (D. Lawrence)
11. Abandoned Property Discussion
- Council discussed several abandoned properties in town and what the town could do about them.
12. Budget for Fire Station (K. Kraeling)
- Mayor Kraeling presented two budget estimates for refurbishing the building behind town hall. Council determined that this expense was too much for the town to handle at this time.
- Molly Swan withdrew her request to refurbish the old fire station.
13. Building Permit
- Mayor Kraeling presented a permit request made the day of the meeting by J. Thomas to build a roof over the door of a dwelling on Frazier Hill Road.
- Motion to move this item to the November 1 meeting by Council Member Arnold. 2nd by Council Member Lawrence. Approved 4-0.
Mayor's Update:
(All requests to be on the agenda must be submitted at least 7 days before a meeting. Direct your agenda items to Town Clerk Carolyn Pritchett or any Town Council Member. Look for the agenda for the next council meeting on the town's web site one week before the next meeting. The next council meeting will be held at 7: 30 pm on Monday, November 15, 2010.)
- Motion made by Council Member Lawrence to adjourn. 2nd by Council Member Arnold. Approved 4-0.
Unofficial Town of North High Shoals Council Meeting Notes
November 1, 2010
By Fred Johnson
Council Members at the Meeting: Council Members, Kim Kraeling, Jason Wisniewski, Steve Arnold, Violet Dawe, David Lawrence, Steve Holzman, and Clerk Carolyn Pritchett.
Citizens and Guests: Mike Beall, Melvin Davis, & Fred Johnson
Old Business:
1. Cole Springs/Hillsboro Road Resurfacing (K. Kraeling))
Ø Council discussed the writing of a letter to the county expressing their view that NHS needs to maintain traffic calming devises on Hillsboro Road. They also discussed options the town could consider to calm traffic.
Ø County Commission Chair Melvin davis will ask for traffic counters to be placed on Hillsboro Road.
2. Mobile Home Request (Mr. Tidwell)
- Due to size difference and the use of a mobile home, two variances must be requested by Mr. Tidwell.
3. Building Permit for J. Thomas on 400 Frazier Hill
- Mayor Kraeling reported that a survey has been completed and filed with the county.
- Motion made by Council Member Lawrence to grant a building permit for a front door stoop roof. 2nd by Council Member Holzman. Approved 5-0.
Mayor's Update:
(All requests to be on the agenda must be submitted at least 7 days before a meeting. Direct your agenda items to Town Clerk Carolyn Pritchett or any Town Council Member. Look for the agenda for the next council meeting on the town's web site one week before the next meeting. The next council meeting will be held at 7: 30 pm on Monday, November 15, 2010.)
- Motion made by Council Member Holzman to adjourn. 2nd by Council Member Arnold. Approved 4-0.