County Chairs and State Committee Members message from Chair Patsy Harris post state committee meeting

This is a letter from Patsy Harris, chair of the 10th Congressional District of Georgia for the Democratic Party of Georgia (DPG) in the wake of the opening of their first satellite office in Augusta last weekend as well as the State Committee Meeting. The JJ Dinner below is the Jefferson Jackson Dinner, Saturday, May 21, 2011in Atlanta.
Subject: Hi Chairs and State Committee Members

What an incredible day we had last Saturday at the Georgia Democratic State Committee Meeting in Augusta!
There is so much to tell you about, but I will just hit the highlights.
First of all, and most important, the DPG officers, and especially RJ Hadley, Vice Chair of County Parties, really want us to work hard in disseminating information from Counties to DPG and from DPG to Counties. All of us are part of the network that is being set up.
  • Each Chair and his/her State Committee Member(s) must work together to get info to your members.
  • The DPG will relay information to you through me, your District Chair, and through the Sate Committee Member.
  • You all will relay information through me, which will go to its proper place - the DPG, the DPG website, or to the other District Chairs.
Check out the new DPG website:
State Committee Members, don't forget to fill out your DPG committee preferences form. Let me know if you need another. Members of all the DPG committees will be from each district.
Next SC Meeting is before the JJ Dinner on May 21, 2011, probably in Atlanta. More details to come.
JJ Dinner! May 21. President Carter will be there. Rep. John Lewis will accept an award. I'll get the details and costs and info about sharing a table and send it to you.
DPG Chairman Mike Berlon has about 30 spots he can fill on the State Committee. Do you know of a fine, active Democrat who would like to serve for a year?
The HOPE Scholarship debacle would make a great letter to the editor right now!
Democrat Vernon Thomas is in the runoff for County Commissioner in Columbia Co. Election Day is April 12, and they could use our elbow grease. Contact their Chairman, General Bob Gray at
More to come

Patsy Harris 
10th District Congressional Chair
Democratic Party of Georgia

706 342-1011
"Don't tell me what you believe in.
Tell me what you have done, and I will tell you what you believe in."  
(Mother of Congressman John Boccieri, D-OH)
Morgan County, GA, History and Genealogy Books by Bonnie P. (Patsy) Harris


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