Fw: Correction about location of COGS Expo

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Ben Jackson <bj101246@gmail.com>
To: Albert Ward <awward@bellsouth.net>; Alex Murawski <murawski@uga.edu>; Ann Hester <ann@oconeeconnection.org>; Brendt Kickbush <pkickbush@gmail.com>; Cathy Heembrock <cathyheembrock@att.net>; Celestea Sharp <celesteasharp@nyc.rr.com>; Charlie & Joyce Baugh <gaonmnd@dishmail.net>; Chris Franklin <chris@stat.uga.edu>; Cindy Willocks <cwillocks@charter.net>; Dan Matthews <danjmatt@bellsouth.net>; DAR <danadar@bellsouth.net>; Darrell Sparks <ds@uga.edu>; David Shearon <ashfordmanor@charter.net>; Delores Schofill <circagardens@bellsouth.net>; Don Truluck <truluckd@bellsouth.net>; Dory Brown <dorybrown@gmail.com>; Ellen Whitaker <ellen@terry.uga.edu>; Gary Doster <doster@bellsouth.net>; Gwen Jones <gkjones@uga.edu>; John Cleaveland <jcleaveland@bellsouth.net>; John Huff <johngalt@negia.net>; John Schofill <jlschofilliv@bellsouth.net>; Joyce Lambert <joyce50@bellsouth.net>; Karen Nash <karen_nash79@yahoo.com>; Kelli McConnell <mckelli@gmail.com>; Laura Carter <lcarter@arlsmail.org>; Linda Bernard <linda_bernard@bellsouth.net>; Lisa Davol <ldavol@oconee.ga.us>; Lisa Douglas <lisaldouglas@gmail.com>; Mario Castro <mariocastro@charter.net>; Mary Abbe <mhabbe@aol.com>; Mary Lillie Chamberlin <mlilliec@bellsouth.net>; Mary Ruth Moore <mrmoore@uga.edu>; Matthew Bowden <mbowden@gmail.com>; Melissa Piche <belmontfrms@hotmail.com>; Melvin Davis <mdavis@oconee.ga.us>; Nancy Durham <durhamnancy@bellsouth.net>; Nona Thornton <gagenlady@charter.net>; Pamela Hendrix <pamelalohrhendrix@yahoo.com>; Peggy Sommer <psommer@bellsouth.net>; Richard Pendergrass <rpendergrass@pnaeng.com>; Sarah Washington <sarahw0761@yahoo.com>; Sheila Jackson <sheilajack@gmail.com>; Sydney & Nedra Johnson <zebadoo@bellsouth.net>; Tim and Suzy Szymanski <suzyszymanski@bellsouth.net>; William White <wwhite30677@att.net>; Gary Doster <gldoster@bellsouth.net>
Sent: Wed, March 16, 2011 8:58:47 AM
Subject: Correction about location of COGS Expo

All -

My previous e-mail was incorrect as to the location of the March COGS
meeting.  This Saturday, March 19th, the annual "EXPO" will be at
Campus View Church of Christ on South Lumpkin, across from the Towns
Track in Athens.

By the way and for those that don't know, COGS stands for the
Clarke-Oconee Genealogical Society.  The EXPO is a free event to bring
local history and genealogy resources together in one convenient
location. Speakers will discuss preserving old photos, church records,
Ask Granny© resources, and historic newspapers in the Digital Library
of Georgia.  Their website is at



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