Fw: URGENT ACTION NEEDED - HR 186, Horse Racing in GA

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From: Patsy Harris <patsydudney@yahoo.com>
To: Kim Bailey <kimbailey2010@hotmail.com>; Donna Brown <transcripts@yahoo.com>; Jennie Evans <jjjevans@yahoo.com>; Bob Fowler <bmfowler@bellsouth.net>; Victor Gagliano <victorgagliano@yahoo.com>; Bob Gray <ltgrgray@aol.com>; Lowell Greenbaum <lowellg13@comcast.net>; Helen Smith Greene <HelenHSmith@att.net>; Jana Hill Rabun <jchill1983@aol.com>; Walter Hobbs <wjhobbs1@hotmail.com>; Chris Hodges <Chrishodges40@gmail.com>; Cavonna Holcomb <cavonnah@windstream.net>; Emma Jenkins <emmajenkinssmith@yahoo.com>; Dale Latty <dhlatty@yahoo.com>; Dan Matthews <danjmatt@bellsouth.net>; Tom McDonald <tmac@negia.net>; Olin Newby <newby@wildblue.net>; Bill Overend <bill@overend.com>; Chip Rousey <elbertcodc@hotmail.com>; Fred Ward <fred-ward@att.net>
Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 6:46:12 PM
Subject: URGENT ACTION NEEDED - HR 186, Horse Racing in GA

County Chairs, I'm not a horse person, but have been active with my horse friends for a year trying to get this legislation passed. HR 189 is simply a bill that would put the horse racing question to the voters. We need emails sent immediately. Patsy
From: Ed Gadrix, Georgia Equine Education Project, Inc. (GEEP) www.GEEPforgeorgia.com
After a huge victory yesterday in getting the Regulated Industries Committee to unanimously vote the horseracing legislation a, "Do Pass.," 2 men are now on the verge of stopping the  progress: David Ralston, Speaker of the House and Tom Meadows, Chairman, of the Rules Committee. Quite frankly it's sickening for politicians to talk about "transparency" then go behind the scenes and try to kill legislation authored to create jobs.
So, we need emails as soon as  you can send them to the list below of as many Rules Committee members as possible and certainly to Tom Meadows and David Ralston.  Also, if you have your own representative on the list be sure to contact them about the bottleneck in the Rules Committee. You may ask you representative to go to Tom Meadows and ask that they vote the horse racing legislation out of the Rules Committee.
  David Ralston - Speaker of the House
  John Meadows - Chairman of House Rules Committee
  Rich Golick - Vice Chairman - House Rules Committee
  James Mills - Secretary, House Rules Committtee
404 657 8532       
Katie Dempsey  - katie.dempsey@house.ga.gov
Karla Drenner - dren16999@aol.com
Earl Ehrhart - earl.ehrhart@4emm.com
Ron Stephens - quickrxdrugs@yahoo.com
Stacey Abrams - Ex-officio    stacyabrams@gmail.com
Carolyn Hugley - Ex-officio    carolyn.hugley@house.ga.gov
Jan Jones - Ex-officio       jan.jones@house.ga.gov
       *Majority Whip


Patsy Harris 

10th District Congressional Chair

Democratic Party of Georgia

706 342-1011


"Don't tell me what you believe in.

Tell me what you have done, and I will tell you what you believe in."  

(Mother of Congressman John Boccieri, D-OH)


Morgan County, GA, History & Genealogy Books by Bonnie P. (Patsy) Harris



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