TONHS Notes for July & August 2011 from Fred

From: Fred Johnson
Date: August 28, 2011 2:00:58 PM EDT
To: Fred Johnson
Subject: TONHS Notes for July & August 2011 from Fred
Reply-To: Fred Johnson

Dear Fellow High Shoalers,                                                                                          August 28, 2011
An election is upon us.  Post 1, Post 2, and Mayor are up in this election.  The council set election qualifying dates for August 29, 30, and 31.  Specific information about the election can be found at the town web site.
In other NHS news……..Mayor Kraeling announced that she would not be seeking re-election.  On October 24th the council will be hosting a town meeting at High Shoals Elementary School to listen to resident ideas on two SPLOST projects: roads and town hall.  Community members are concerned about the decrease in hours and danger of closing of our post office; they want to make sure people are aware of it and using it to increase the likelihood that it will remain open.  The council set the millage rate at the same level as last year.  We continue to have council members and volunteers work on various projects in the town; check on details below.
Election Qualifying Dates ………………………………………August 29th, 30th, and 31st
Next NHS Council Meeting ………………………………………September 21st
Community meeting on SPLOST…………………………………October 24th
Town Web Site………………………………………………………
Thanks for your support of North High Shoals; I'll see you at the next meeting.
                                                                      Peace, Fred Johnson
Unofficial Town of North High Shoals Council Meeting Notes
July 18, 2011
By Fred Johnson
Council Members at the Meeting:  Council Members Mayor Kim Kraeling, Jason Wisniewski, Steve Holzman, David Lawrence, and Stephen Arnold.
Citizens and Guests: Mike Beall
Agenda Setting
  • Motion by Council Member Dawe to accept agenda.  2nd by Council Member Wisniewski.  Approved 5-0.
Monthly Business:
  • Presentation of Draft Minutes for June, 2011.  Motion by Council Member Holzman to accept the minutes with edits.  2nd by Council Member Arnold.  Approved 5-0.
  • Presentation of Financial Statement for June, 2011.  Motion by Council Member Holzman to accept the financial statements.  2nd by Council Member Arnold.  Approved 5-0.
Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items:
  • No Comments were made.
Old Business:
1. Street Update
  • Council discussed speed limits in town and the collection of data on Hillsboro Road.
  • The resurfacing of Gober Road by the county.  The Council discussed the use of LMIG funds of up to $10,000 along with city funds and SPLOST funds to pave Jefferson.
  • Of course the Council continued to discuss plans to slow traffic on Hillsboro after the road is paved.
2. City Park Update
  • Council Member Lawrence reported on maintenance that is ongoing at the park including dead tree removal and signage.  The Council also discussed placing a barbecue grill in the park.
3. Town Hall Maintenance
  • Council Member Wisniewski reported that he had help from Mike Beall and John MacKay to complete the gutters on the town hall.  He is looking at other repairs needed to the structures and grounds.
4. J. MacKay Annexation
  • John MacKay and Lorena de Santa have written a letter to the council expressing interest in having their property at 1130 Lexington Court, which is partially in the city limits, brought into the city limits.  Council Member Holzman has completed some mapping on the subject, and Mayor Kraeling has alerted the town attorney to this request.
5. Abandoned structures
  • Mayor Kraeling has completed discussions with the town attorney concerning abandoned structures and will be writing letters to the owners of such structures to make them aware of the city codes that apply.
6. Code Enforcement Officer
  • The council will make sure copies of the code are made available in town hall and online.
  • Motion for Mayor Kraeling to send postcards out to the town alerting people of their responsibility to follow town codes by Council Member Holzman.  2nd by Council Member Dawe. Approved 5-0.
New Business:
1. Request for "no thru trucks" sign on Jefferson
  • Council discussed town signage with an emphasis on no-thru truck signs on Jefferson and Plantation.  Council Member Lawrence volunteered to replace no-thru truck signs that are missing.
2. Hillsboro/Park Road Signs and Speed Platforms
  • Council discussed town signage with an emphasis on no-thru truck signs on Jefferson and Plantation.  Council Member Lawrence volunteered to replace no-thru truck signs that are missing.
3. Prepaid 911 Fee Ordinance
  • Mayor Kraeling explained the state requirement for the town to pass this ordinance.  The town had the required readings of this ordinance and it is ready for a vote.  The town needs to pass this by December.  The council also discussed the renumbering of town roads.
4. Election Qualifying Dates
  • Motion set election qualifying for the positions of Mayor, Post 1, and Post 2 for August 29, 30, and 31 by Council Member Lawrence.  2nd by Council Member Arnold. Approved 5-0.
5. Occupation Tax
  • Council Member Dawe discussed that the wording of the tax and notification needs to be updated.  Council decided to notify people of this part of the code.
6. Town Clerk Pay
  • Mayor Kraeling explained all the additional duties our clerk has taken on, including the treasurer's position.  She asked the council to raise the clerk pay $2 per hour.
  • Motion to set the clerk's salary at $18 per hour by Council Member Holzman.  2nd by Council Member Arnold. Approved 5-0.
Mayor's Update:
(All requests to be on the agenda must be submitted at least 7 days before a meeting.  Direct your agenda items to Town Clerk Carolyn Pritchett or any Town Council Member.  Look for the agenda for the next council meeting on the town's web site one week before the next meeting.  The next council meeting will be held at 7: 30 pm on Monday, September 21, 2011.)
  • Mayor Kraeling informed the council of a fund-raising ball game in Watkinsville.
  • Audit materials for the year have been delivered to Mr. Hawkins and Mr. McNair.
  • The town is registered under the SAVE and E-Verify systems.
  • Mayor Kraeling informed the council that she will not be running for re-election, but she would continue to help the town as is needed.
  • Motion made by Council Member Holzman to adjourn.  2nd by Council Member Arnold.  Approved 5-0.
Unofficial Town of North High Shoals Council Meeting Notes
August 15, 2011
By Fred Johnson
Council Members at the Meeting:  Council Members Mayor Kim Kraeling, Jason Wisniewski, Steve Holzman, David Lawrence, and Violet Dawe.
Citizens and Guests: Suzanne Beall, Jon MacKay, and Fred Johnson
Agenda Setting
  • Motion by Council Member Holzman to accept agenda.  2nd by Council Member Lawrence.  Approved 4-0.
Monthly Business:
  • Presentation of Draft Minutes for July, 2011.  Motion by Council Member Holzman to accept the minutes with edits.  2nd by Council Member Lawrence.  Approved 4-0.
  • Presentation of Financial Statement for July, 2011.  $44,500 in the checking account.  $34,790 in the money market account.  $121,813 in the SPLOST account.    Motion by Council Member Holzman to accept the financial statements.  2nd by Council Member Wisniewski.  Approved 4-0.
Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items:
  • No comments were made by the public.
Old Business:
1. Street Update
  • Council Member Lawrence asked that the council set Monday, October 24, 2011 as a community meeting for the council to hear from residents about SPLOST road and town hall spending at HSE.  The council is planning to mail postcards to residents to advertise the meeting.   The town will also run a notice of the public meeting in the local paper.
  • Council discussed continuing efforts to control speeding in the town and trucks cutting through.
  • Mike Beal and Council Member Lawrence completed their volunteer effort to place no thru truck signs in town.
2. City Park Update
  • Council Member Lawrence told the council he would ask for help in the community to fix the rope on the flag poll and get a new flag.  (I saw that he recruited Stand Brown to help him fix it last week.) 
  • Council Member Lawrence purchased more sand for the sand box. 
  • Council decided to order more bulbs with a matching grant from the Watkinsville Garden Club.
  • Motion to purchase a grill for the park not to exceed $400 by Council Member Lawrence.  2nd by Council Member Dawe. Approved 4-0.
  • Council Member Holzman will be installing a barn owl box in the back of the park.  The Council discussed a chimney sweep tower in the park.
3. DOT Update
  • Mayor Kraeling continues to work with the DOT.  She is getting help from the DOT to increase our allotment of funds for paving roads.
4. J. Mackay Annexation Request
  • Mayor Kraeling informed the council that work continues on this subject, but no new information was ready at this time.
5. Abandoned Structures
  • The council continues to monitor and work with residents on two abandoned structures in town.  Progress is being made on these properties through letters and other communications.  Council discussed options to continue to deal with the barn in the park.
New Business:
1. Post Office Concerns (J. Mackay)
  • Jon MacKay led discussion on the concerns over the possible limiting of hours or closing of the post office.  People in town were encouraged to use our local Post Office.
2. Any Needed Road Signs
  • Council discussed signs that were missing around town and the inventory of signs owned by the town.
3. Date for Town Meeting on Streets
  • Handled above….Monday, October 24th at 7pm
4. Election Qualifying Dates
  • Qualifying dates have been set for August 29, 30, & 31 from 8:30 to 5 pm and closed for lunch
5. Set Millage Rate
  • Council members discussed setting the millage rate and settled on maintaining the same rate.
  • Motion to approve set the millage rate at 1.35 mills by Council Member Holzman.  2nd by Council Member Dawe. Approved 4-0.
Mayor's Update:
(All requests to be on the agenda must be submitted at least 7 days before a meeting.  Direct your agenda items to Town Clerk Carolyn Pritchett or any Town Council Member.  Look for the agenda for the next council meeting on the town's web site one week before the next meeting.  The next council meeting will be held at 7: 30 pm on Monday, September 21, 2011.)
  • Mayor Kraeling told the council that we have an estimate of $500 for fixing the copier.  The council will need to decide what to do about copies
  • Mayor Kraeling informed the council of a SPLOST training class for council members available to the town.
  • 911 public meetings will be held at the next two town meetings.
  • Motion made by Council Member Holzman to adjourn.  2nd by Council Member Wisniewski.  Approved 4-0.


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