Georgia Senate race turns nasty | Online Athens
And then there is this race. And I thought I was being unfairly questioned about my yard in the mayor's race after being assured there would be no personal attacks or weird questions by the host of the forum, and having unnamed people call up my ex-girlfriends to get dirt on me, and having rumors spread about my supposed sexuality (or lack thereof), or having local people in power tip off others in the local GOP about a letter I got seven years ago about my unkempt car port from the Watkinsville Code Enforcement officer (you know how long it has been since my son rode a big wheel?), or having an elderly blogger demonstrate her ignorance about me in public multiple times, I guess it is what we have devolved to in the attempt at electing our peers to represent us in government. Stick to the issues, people. Stay out of my recycling and my yard. In the good news from Morgan Manor Estates, I am glad my neighbors are finally removing the Camaro in their backyard that had been there for more than a decade.
Georgia Senate race turns nasty | Online Athens
Georgia Senate race turns nasty | Online Athens