Oconee Democrats Regular Monthly Meeting (Please note @ Gov't. Annex this Month), 1/19/2012, 7:00 pm
Agenda of the Oconee Democratic Committee Meeting
7 pm, January 19, 2012 at the Government Annex, Watkinsville
- Call to order and welcome.
- Approve agenda.
- Liz Goodroe and approval of minutes of the meeting on December 11, 2011.
- Violet Dawe and the Treasurer’s report. A discussion of dues: Article 3.9 from Bylaws of the Oconee County Democratic Committee: Dues: Reasonable dues for members may be set, upon due deliberation and majority vote of the committee. No person elected to serve in a Committee post shall be denied the right to participate for a failure to pay dues to the Committee. As things stand now, members who do pay their dues contribute a diversity of amounts all lumped under the category of “Dues” in the Annual Financial Report. It has been suggested that this year we each pay the same amount in Dues and label our additional (and welcomed) monetary contributions as “Donations.” Collection of dues and members’ forms. Records of in-kind donations provided to Violet, and the recommendation that for 2012, members give Violet a record of their in-kind contributions on a monthly basis.
- Robert Wyatt: Report on Board of Elections & Registration
- Jonathan Veit: Request that Committee members check their subscriptions to “oconee democrats” or oconeedemocrats@yahoogroups.com. A check for $120 to develop a web-site has been sent to the DPG. Training sessions are available if needed. Are any members interested in joining the committee to administer the new website?
- Ann Stoneburner: Organizational plans for the rally “Oconee County Democrats in 2012,” as described by Patsy Harris at the November meeting, and a request for assistance in determining a locale, refreshments, and advertising; submission of affidavits to be forwarded to the DPG with copies to Liz Goodroe; annual membership ($25) paid to the Georgia Association of Democratic County Chairs (GADCC), so that we can apply for funding to cover expenses for website and rally; training session in Bishop for candidates to the election of delegates at the caucus to be held in Madison on April 21st; Georgia Deserves Better Rally in Atlanta on January 28th.
- David Shearon: His quest to support Project Safe through “Dancing with the Stars.” How can we help support David?
- New Business/Adjournment
From: oconee@yahoogroups.comDate: January 17, 2012 6:56:51 PM ESTSubject: [oconee] Oconee Democrats Regular Monthly Meeting (Please note @ Gov't. Annex this Month), 1/19/2012, 7:00 pmReply-To: oconee@yahoogroups.com
Reminder from: oconee Yahoo! Group Title: Oconee Democrats Regular Monthly Meeting (Please note @ Gov't. Annex this Month) Date: Thursday January 19, 2012 Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Repeats: This event repeats every month on the third Thursday. Next reminder: The next reminder for this event will be sent in 1 day, 3 minutes. Location: Oconee County Government Annex Street: 1291 Greensboro Highway City State Zip: Watkinsville, GA Phone: 7063721062 Notes: Meeting begins at 7:00 pm; socializing afterward
COMMITTEE MEMBERS: If you have to miss this meeting, let Ann Stoneburner(ahstoneburner@bellsouth.net) know in advance so your absence can be counted as "excused."Get reminders on your mobile, Yahoo! Messenger, and email.