Dear Fellow High Shoalers, January 20, 2012
Have you been to the new "Bark Park" at Oconee County Veterans Park? You would never know it was there, but for the new signs that just went up. It is way, way, way in the back; I had no idea the park was that big. Dog people, please check it out.
We're looking for a few good dogs. Does your dog have what it takes to grace this year's Dog Day Flyer? Send me a few pictures and if our photographer agrees we'll schedule a shoot. If you have any suggestions for this year's event, send those along as well.
Next NHS Council Meeting ………………………………………….February 20th
NHS Dog Day…………………………………………………………………May 5th
Thank you for your support of North High Shoals; I'll see you at the next meeting, if not before.
Unofficial Town of North High Shoals Council Meeting Notes
January 16, 2012
By John MacKay
Council Members at the Meeting: Council Members Mayor (incoming) Mike Beall, Mayor (outgoing) Kim Kraeling, Jason Wisniewski, Steve Holzman, David Lawrence, Violet Dawe, and Stephen Arnold.
Citizens and Guests: Karl Berg, Sheriff-Candidate Trey Downs, and John MacKay.
Transfer of Gavel:
· Outgoing Mayor Kim Kraeling commenced the meeting and transferred the mayorship to incoming Mayor Mike Beall. Mayor Beall then read a Council resolution thanking Mayor Kraeling for her commitment, endeavors, and efforts as past mayor.
First of the Year Housekeeping:
· Section VIII of the Town's Meeting Rules of Order calls for an annual review of those rules. Mayor Beall pointed out that Section V.C.5 of the Rules provides that a vote of abstention shall be considered a negative vote, which is directly contrary to Section 2.19 of the Town's Charter, which provides that "[A]n abstention shall not be counted as a negative or affirmative vote." Motion by Council Member Holzman to amend Section V.C.5 of the Town's Meeting Rules of Order to provide that "[A]n abstention shall not be counted as a negative or affirmative vote." 2nd by Council Member Dawe. Approved 5-0.
· Mayor Beall asked council to schedule the monthly Council meetings for 2012. Motion by Council Member Holzman to hold the 2012 Town Council meetings on the third Monday of each month. 2nd by Council Member Wisniewski. Approved 5-0.
· Mayor Beall asked Council to appoint the Town's Representative to the Oconee County Planning Commission. Motion by Council Member Holzman to reappoint Karl Berg as the Town's Planning Commission Representative. 2nd by Council Member Dawe. Approved 5-0.
· Mayor Beall asked Council to appoint a Town Attorney for 2012. Motion by Council Member Lawrence to reappoint Joseph Reitman as the Town's Attorney. 2nd by Council Member Arnold. Approved 4-1 (Council Member Dawe cast the negative vote.)
· Mayor Beall asked Council to appoint a Mayor Pro Tempore and a Presiding Officer for 2012. Motion by Council Member Arnold to reappoint Council Member Dawe as Mayor Pro Tempore and Council Member Holzman as Presiding Officer. 2nd by Council Member Lawrence. Approved 5-0.
· Mayor Beall asked Council to appoint a Town Clerk and an Election Superintendent for 2012. Motion by Council Member Dawe to reappoint Carolyn Pritchett to both positions. 2nd by Council Member Arnold. Approved 5-0.
Agenda Setting:
· Motion by Council Member Holzman to accept the agenda as written. 2nd by Council Member Dawe. Approved 5-0.
Presentation of Draft Minutes:
· Motion to approve draft minutes, as edited, by Council Member Wisniewski. 2nd by Council Member Arnold. Approved 5-0.
Presentation of Financial Statements:
· Motion to accept Financial Statements as presented by Council Member Holzman. 2nd by Council Member Lawrence. Approved 5-0.
Citizen Comments on Non-Agenda Items:
· Sheriff-Candidate Trey Downs announced that his Campaign Kick-Off would occur on January 28, from 1 pm – 3 pm, at the John Oliver Michael House, 1800 Hebron Church Road, in Dark Corner.
Old Business:
1. Georgia DOT Update – M. Beall
· Mayor Beall reported that the Town awaits receipt of a Notice to Proceed from the State before Council can move forward with the repaving of Jefferson Road. When the time comes there may also be issues with storm water drainage and sediment control.
2. Street Update - D. Lawrence
· Council Member Lawrence advised that Oconee County is moving forward with the process of reducing the speed limit on Hillsboro Road to 25 mph. He is also working to get the Oconee County Sheriff authorization to use radar on the road. There was much discussion about rubberized speed platforms, given that the City of Bostwick has just installed another one. Mayor Beall will call the mayor of Bostwick to discuss that city's experiences with the platforms.
3. City Park Update – D. Lawrence
· Council Member Lawrence explained the need to plant the remaining bulbs soon. He called for a City Park Work Day on Saturday, Jan 21, from 10 am until noon. [NOTE: This Work Day has since been canceled because of the likelihood of rain.]
4. Speed Monitor – D. Lawrence
· Council Member Lawrence summarized the quotes he obtained for portable "Your Speed Is" signs, one battery-powered and one solar-powered. Both mounted on poles rather than a trailer as Council had envisioned. After much discussion, motion by Council Member Lawrence to purchase the solar-powered model for approximately $3800 from Radar Sign. 2nd by Council Member Holzman. Approved 5-0. Citizen Karl Berg then described how the sign can be modified to mount on a trailer; Council will explore that.
5. Change in Through Truck Code – M. Beall
· At issue was the inconsistency between the digits and the words setting forth the fine amounts in Section 8-4 of the Town's Code of Ordinances. At the December meeting Council voted to amend that section to clear the inconsistency by revising the fine to "no less than $500 and no more than $1,000." Upon this second reading of the revision, motion by Council Member Holzman to enact the revision. 2d by Council Member Dawe. Approved 5-0. Then, motion by Council Member Holzman to update the description of the roads affected. 2nd by Council Member Lawrence. Approved 5-0.
New Business:
1. Business Permit, Deaton Electric
· Motion by Council Member Holzman to renew this permit. 2nd by Council Member Lawrence. Approved 5-0.
2. Business Permit, Stanley Brown / Tops Tree Service
· Motion by Council Member Lawrence to renew this provisional permit. 2d by Council Member Arnold. Citizen John MacKay voiced his concerns that the commercial trucks parked upon the property were not consistent with the Code or with the nature of Plantation Road. After discussion, Council Member Lawrence withdrew his motion. Council Member Holzman moved that the matter be tabled until the February meeting so the applicant could be present to discuss the concerns. 2nd by Council Member Lawrence. Approved 5-0.
3. Discussion of Historic Signs for Central NHS – V. Dawe
· Council Member Dawe suggested the Town purchase 3 or 4 historic looking signs to mark the historic district and to accent the historic nature of our town. It was suggested that council members and residents take pictures of signs they like and bring them to the next few meetings. Council Member Dawe reminded Council that some funds remain with the Historic Society of North High Shoals.
4. Insurance Update – S. Arnold
· Council Member Arnold explained the renewal process. Council discussed the need to revise some of the coverage amounts.
Mayor's Update:
(All requests to be on the agenda must be submitted at least 7 days before a meeting. Direct your agenda items to Town Clerk Carolyn Pritchett or any Town Council Member. Look for the agenda for the next council meeting on the Town's web site one week before the next meeting. The next Council meeting will be held at 7:30 pm on Monday, February 20, 2012.)
· Mayor Beall advised Council that it was time to renew the Service Delivery Strategy with Oconee County. Mayor Beall and Council Members Wisniewski and Dawe agreed to work on it.
· Mayor Beall explained that the address changes on Rays Church Road were moving forward.
· Mayor Beall summarized his conversation with a State representative regarding the overly burdensome early voting requirements. The representative suggested the Town make early voting arrangements with the County.
· Mayor Beall reminded Council Members of the upcoming Northeast Georgia Regional Commission Open House on January 26.
· Mayor Beall reminded Council Members that Georgia Cities Week will be April 22 – 28.
· Mayor Beall told Council Members about the GMA Statewide Essay Contest for 6th Graders. Council Member Lawrence offered to take the information to the appropriate person at the elementary school.
Motion made by Council Member Holzman to adjourn. 2nd by Council Member Arnold. Approved 5-0.