Town Of North High Shoals March 2012 Notes from Fred

From: Fred Johnson  
To: Fred Johnson
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 7:22 PM
Subject: TONHS March 2012 Notes from Fred

Dear Fellow High Shoalers,                                                                                        April 19, 2012
Dog Day is on May 5th, so get your outfits and tricks ready.  We'll all be at the park from 9am to Noon.
Here's an opportunity for you to participate in building your town:   North High Shoals is seeking citizens to participate on a committee to explore options for a new town hall.  As you may know, the town submitted projects it intends to pursue with SPLOST funds.  One project included $250,000 for a new town hall.  We would like to have a building with restrooms, meeting space and offices for the town clerk and council.  We think it would be great to have a place where we could hold town dinners and other community events.  We have discussed restoration of historic structures or building a new structure.  Nothing has been decided at this point, and although we do not have all the funds to start construction, we would like to start planning. If you would like to help out in this process, please submit your name to the Mayor (P.O. Box 129, High Shoals, GA  30645) and describe why you would like to participate.
Dog Day at the Park …………………………………………………… …May 5th
Next NHS Council Meeting ……………………………………………….April 16th
Town Web Site………………………………………………………………
Thanks for your support of North High Shoals; I'll see you at the next meeting.
                                                                      Peace, Fred Johnson
Unofficial Town of North High Shoals Council Meeting Notes
March 19, 2012
By Fred Johnson
Council Members at the Meeting:  Council Members Mayor Mike Beall, Jason Wisniewski, Steve Holzman, David Lawrence, Violet Dawe, and Stephen Arnold.
Citizens and Guests: Clerk Carole Pritchett, Trey Downs, Horst Klein, Heike Mueller, and Fred Johnson.
Agenda Setting
·         Motion by Council Member Holzman to accept the minutes with edits.  2nd by Council Member Wisniewski.  Approved 4-0.
Monthly Business:
  • Presentation of Draft Minutes for February, 2012.  Motion by Council Member Holzman to accept the minutes with edits.  2nd by Council Member Wisniewski.  Approved 4-0.
  • Presentation of Financial Statement for February, 2012.  Motion by Council Member Holzman to accept the financial statements with amendments.  2nd by Council Member Dawe.  Approved 4-0.
Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items:
  • Trey Downs spoke to the council about attending community meetings during his run for Oconee County Sheriff.
Old Business:
1. Street Update, Road Surveys - D. Lawrence
  • Council Member Holzman opened discussion on correctly ordering addresses on Rays Church Road; he is checking double checking the numbering to complete the project over the next few months.
  • Council Member Lawrence and Mayor Beall reported their progress with the county on instituting measures to control speed on Hillsboro.  The county and the council are waiting for the state to complete a survey on the board to move forward.
2. City Park Update – D. Lawrence
  • Council discussed reservation policy for the park.  They decided to minimally charge charities and churches for reserving the park.
  • Disk Golf: expense to start this project was $6,000 which was noted to be more than the park budget.  Council Member Dawe opened discussion on possible conflicts this idea could have with other visions of the park.  Council Member Holzman and Arnold pointed out the problem the council faced with the small area of the park.  Council wants to see what space the future town hall construction leaves for this activity.
  • Electricity to the pavilion will cost $1,900.  The council decided to table this issue due to cost and vision for the park.
  • Walking Trail estimates for repair will be sought.
3. Dog Day on May 5 (Rain Date May 12) - J. MacKay
  • No discussion
4. Speed Monitor – S. Holzman
  • No Discussion

5. Speed Bumps – M. Beall
  • Mayor Beall stated some issues people in town are having with various locations of speed bumps.
6. Jefferson Road – M. Beall
  • Mayor Beall explained the state contract to repair and pave Jefferson with both city and state monies.  The state has offered a contract of $30,000 toward the paving of Jefferson with the town picking up the remainder which will be at least another $30,000 according to the one estimate the town has received for Jefferson.  Prep work on the road will cost $32,000 from the County.  The council extensively discussed various points concerning the paving of Jefferson.
7. Hazard Mitigation Meetings – S. Arnold
  • Council Member Arnold explained that the town has been asked to participate and distribute materials.
8. 2012-2013 Budget Hearings & Process Announcement – M. Beall
  • Mayor Beall read the proposed schedule for the budget for the next year.
New Business:
1. Budget Ad – M. Beall
  • Mayor Beall explained that this will be done per the schedule the council sets above.
2. Fire Department – M. Beall
  • Mayor Beall explained a request from the local fire department for furniture and a computer.
3. Tiller Hardship Renewal – M. Beall
·         Motion by Council Member Lawrence  to accept the continued hardship exemption for the Queen family.  2nd by Council Member Arnold.  Approved 5-0.
4. Severe Weather Warning System – M. Beall
  • Council discussed community concerns about notifying people about dangerous weather.  Mayor Beall said he would put together some suggestions for the community.
5. Town Hall Committee – M. Beall
  • Mayor Beall will distribute a letter inviting people in the town to serve on this committee.
6. Tree on Hillsboro Road – M. Beall
  • County removed this dead pine.
7. Official Zoning Map; Zoning Committee – M. Beall
  • Council Member Holzman offered to make the needed map for a public meeting.
8. Service Plan – M. Beall
  • Mayor Beall offered to meet with Council Members Dawe and Wisniewski to work on this plan.
9. Office Driveway – V. Dawe
  • Council Member Dawe suggested that some improvements should be made to the area in front of town hall.
10. Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement – M. Beall
  • Mayor Beall informed the Council that he had signed this periodic agreement for the town.
11. Sign Retro-Reflectivity Plan – M. Beall
  • The city needs to develop a statement for this plan.
Mayor's Update:
(All requests to be on the agenda must be submitted at least 7 days before a meeting.  Direct your agenda items to Town Clerk Carolyn Pritchett or any Town Council Member.  Look for the agenda for the next council meeting on the town's web site one week before the next meeting.  The next council meeting will be held at 7: 30 pm on Monday, April 16, 2012.)
  • Mayor Beall announced a road development meeting available  
Motion made by Council Member Wisniewski to adjourn.  2nd by Council Member Arnold.  Approved 5-0.


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