Everyone is always welcome at every Oconee Democrats meeting
Some Oconee County residents seem to be rather angry and seemingly insulted about the way we run the Oconee County Democratic Committee meetings. Well guess what, if you aren't attending these meetings, we don't care. We will always welcome you back with open arms.
Seems that things are getting pretty ugly and uncivil about the people who are and are not coming this evening. Some people even seem to know what emails I have and have not sent.
We remain flexible, fluid and open to compromise and change. Despite the fact that voting tends to be 3-to-1 Republican to Democrat in the general election, there are a lot of local people who want to have a voice in local politics. We encourage our members to cross over and pick up a Republican ballot on the Primary July 31 or before to have input on who will be our leaders.
It makes perfect sense to me that the majority Republican vote will be roughly split down the middle in many of the contested races, thus making the Democratic minority that crosses over an important constituency to contend with at this critical conjuncture in our electoral process. To not be involved would a crime in my opinion.
You have to play the cards you are dealt, but not always in the order that makes the dealer happy. I had originally wanted half the candidates at the first meeting this evening, and the other half at the second meeting in July, but it does not appear that everyone is going to abide by my concerns.
Just a news flash for you all: just because you attend a Democratic committee meeting, it does not mean you are a Democrat. We love Oconee County just as much as the Republican party members. We welcome all candidates, every meeting, anytime, not just this meeting.
We meet the third Thursday of the month, 7:00 pm at the Government Annex at 1291 Greensboro Highway in the USDA conference room, which is in the rear left of the building near the polling place and the Adult Learning Center. We welcome everybody and will not make you flash an ID to gain entrance.
Seems that things are getting pretty ugly and uncivil about the people who are and are not coming this evening. Some people even seem to know what emails I have and have not sent.
We remain flexible, fluid and open to compromise and change. Despite the fact that voting tends to be 3-to-1 Republican to Democrat in the general election, there are a lot of local people who want to have a voice in local politics. We encourage our members to cross over and pick up a Republican ballot on the Primary July 31 or before to have input on who will be our leaders.
It makes perfect sense to me that the majority Republican vote will be roughly split down the middle in many of the contested races, thus making the Democratic minority that crosses over an important constituency to contend with at this critical conjuncture in our electoral process. To not be involved would a crime in my opinion.
You have to play the cards you are dealt, but not always in the order that makes the dealer happy. I had originally wanted half the candidates at the first meeting this evening, and the other half at the second meeting in July, but it does not appear that everyone is going to abide by my concerns.
Just a news flash for you all: just because you attend a Democratic committee meeting, it does not mean you are a Democrat. We love Oconee County just as much as the Republican party members. We welcome all candidates, every meeting, anytime, not just this meeting.
We meet the third Thursday of the month, 7:00 pm at the Government Annex at 1291 Greensboro Highway in the USDA conference room, which is in the rear left of the building near the polling place and the Adult Learning Center. We welcome everybody and will not make you flash an ID to gain entrance.