What the Supreme Court's ruling means for your health care

From: The White House <info@messages.whitehouse.gov>
Date: June 28, 2012 5:05:56 PM EDT
Subject: What the Supreme Court's ruling means for your health care
Reply-To: The White House <info@messages.whitehouse.gov>

What the Supreme Court's ruling means for your health care
The White House Thursday, June 28, 2012
What the Supreme Court's ruling means for your health care
Today, the Supreme Court issued a historic ruling: They upheld the Affordable Care Act and ensured that millions of American families will have access to health care and protection from the worst abuses of the insurance industry.
Lots of people have questions about the Affordable Care Act, the Supreme Court's decision, and their health care coverage. We've pulled together the most useful information -- including President Obama's remarks after the announcement -- at WhiteHouse.gov:
Because the law has an impact on so many Americans, it's important to understand its basic parts. We've also put together a list of facts about the Affordable Care Act. Will you give it a read, and then pass it on?
Facts About Health Care Reform
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