Word from Our Clarke County Democratic Chair

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From: CCDC.Communications <ccdc.communications@gmail.com>
Date: February 24, 2013 6:44:21 PM EST
Subject: A Word from Our Chair
Reply-To: CCDC.Communications <ccdc.communications@gmail.com>

Read on for a word (or two)

from CCDC Chair Joe Wisenaker.

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The Chair's

          I've read a couple of very compelling articles in the paper this morning. The first is Myra's extremely to the point opinion piece on the horrific efforts underway to further screw up public school funding in the state legislature (Click here).
          The other, at first seemingly unrelated investigative reporting article on the science of food addictions and marketing in the New York Times (Click 
          The first puts some more context to school funding/choice/trigger legislation in a very compelling bit of writing. The second started me thinking on how this kind of political effort has links to the science/economy of junk food addiction. Maybe some efforts to analyze what is going on with public education and taxes through the junk food addiction lens might be fruitful?

Joe Wisebaker
CCDC Chair

Copyright © 2013 Clarke County Democratic Committee. All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is PO Box 800, Bogart, GA 30622.


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