Oconee Sheriff's Department Handgun Classes
From: Terry Wilkinson <equable@bellsouth.netDate: April 11, 2013 9:14:50 PM EDTTo: Dad <amims@windstream.net>, David Wilkinson - Home <dbwilkinson@windstream.net>Cc: Bennett White <bbwhitejr@yahoo.com>, "Dan J. Matthews, Jr." <danjmatt@bellsouth.net>, Glenn Pruitt <fgpruitt@aol.com.>, Joe Thornton <jdtthorntons@bellsouth.net>, Morgann Pruitt <mpruitt5@uga.edu>Subject: Oconee Sheriff's Department Handgun Classes
The Oconee County Sheriff, my old friend Scott Berry, has authorised his training department to allow Civilians and Retired Law Enforcement personnel (and active duty Sworn Officers, of course) to take the annual firearms certification required for all Peace Officers and Retired Peace Officers to carry concealed, and active Officers concealed and on duty, anywhere in the US. Civilians who receive thecertification will only be certified in Georgia, not for airplanes, out-of-state, etc. Oh well...
Should you need to defend yourself, having this certification is like having an insurance policy in that no one can question your proficiency or skill with your sidearm; or claim you are an untrained "loose cannon".
There is no charge for the class! The handgun classes are in the Spring. The long gun classes (rifle and shotgun, complete with low light instruction) are in the Fall. You provide the weapons. A CCL Licence number is required, but citizens of any Georgia county are welcome. The certification is good statewide and recognised by over half the states in the Nation (see the USA Carry website).
Have gotten two different stories on the ammo situation (from Deputies that I know: 1) You provide the ammo, 2) for "standard ammo" (.22, .38, 9mm, .45ACP) you provide half and the OCSD matches your half. Neither Deputy was totally sure about civilians though. No idea on the ammo for the Fall classes. A minimum of 100 rounds will be required to complete the handgun course (they were both pretty sure on that). I was told "unofficially" that inexpensive FMJ or JSP is just fine, but I'm sure if you show up with wad cutters no one will mind...
There is a classroom session on Thursday night at the OCSD Headquarters covering safety and Georgia concealed carry law and self-defence law, and then the actual shooting section at the OCSD range, on the premises of the OCSD on Experiment Station Rd., on the following Saturday. If any of you want to attend/ride together, tell Sgt. Lowe when you sign up. If we have to wait for a later class to attend together, no problem.
The email from Sgt. Jason Lowe, the OCSD Coordinator for Training (who I have not yet met personally) is pasted below in case you are interested. They have expanded the class sessions because of the huge response. Sign up information is below.
I was out of the office last week. I have been trying to get caught up on all my work. I have established an online waiting list. See the below information.I am responding to you reference your request to be on the waiting list. I have set up an online registration and waiting list. You can add your name, email address, and phone number to the new list at http://oconeesheriffwaitlist.eventbrite.com/Oconee Residents will be given priority in my selection. I have added some additional seats to this class. I will fill these seats from the online waiting list. You will need to place each person on this wait list. If you have issues or problems, please do not hesitate to email me.I am planning to start releasing seats to this class by email the week of April 25, 2013This wait list will be used to completely fill the following dates:April 25, 2013May 02, 2013May 09, 2013
Jason Lowe
Agency Training CoordinatorOconee County Sheriff's Office(706) 769-3945