Monday's past meets present event for Watkinsville
From: "psommer" ;psommer@bellsouth.netDate: May 1, 2013 11:38:24 AM EDTTo: "'psommer'" psommer@bellsouth.netSubject: monday's past meets present event
Thanks to all of you who came to Monday's event. Someone counted 70 people there. The students gave us a lot of ideas and things to think about. It was clear they had learned a lot and really appreciated what we have in our community. Here is a very brief summary of their presentationFinal project presentations:a. Watkinsville logo/website: This group had several ideas for a Watkinsville Web site, the made suggested to up date the current logo and even created a new linear one that looked to me to be very useful as a header for correspondence or other places where a round one is hard to fit.b. Vehicular/Pedestrian Signage for Tourism: This group had lots of suggestions for adding signage to help tourists and other visitors find their way around. Suggestions ranged from tiles in the ground and directional signs to signs at the entrances into town.
c. Proposed Downtown Historic District: Watkinsville currently has a historic district on South Main Street, that is still pretty accurate, though a couple of structures are no longer here and since the district was set up there are some more structures that are now probably historic. This group suggested creating another district that covers the downtown area (including Rocket Field) and its historic structures.
d. City Walking Tour Guide (handout): This group created a suggested walking tour brochure for towne. Field Day Event: This group suggested that Watkinsville have its own festival to celebrate its history and culture. Note in August the First Friday folks will have this very thing as its theme and the Historical Society is working on one for later in the fall. Come to our June meeting (June 18) to help plan one.f. History Exhibition (handout): This group pointed out that we had enough history that we could easily create some exhibits that could be temporary or more permanent.
g. Proposed Rural Historic District: This group described a possible agriculture historic district that started in Watkinsville and fanned out down Colham Ferry Road (sort of the center line of the area) to include Bishop and Farmington. One purpose to this would be to point out the importance of agriculture in Watkinsville's history.
3. Wrap Up: The meeting was recorded and the students also put together a notebook that includes the power points they used for the program which they left with the Historical Society. They also promised a copy to the Mayor. My person take is that they gave us a lot of ideas that will take some time to absorb and think about. I hope that we all come together and consider which ones we'd like to work on implementing. It will take the entire community to do this, not just the historical society.Peggy Sommer