OCSO weather post should be a little less snarky in times of concern

I am not complaining about a little humor, symparthy, or any politically correct language or anything like that, BUT there are plenty of dolts out there who cannot handle or process any kind of comments or comedy in their public service announcements. The following was from a post just sent out. I would just prescribe the Joe Friday attitude from the old Dragnet series: "Just the Facts." The following is from the Oconee County Sheriff's Office this morning, and I appreciate their communication with the masses. We all sometimes need an editor or filter, and Lord knows I am just as guilty on that charge as well. I have already seen conflicting info on Twitter and Fox 5 regarding local school closings this morning. The following is from the Sheriff's much appreciated Nixle account, all is correct but again I would suggest at least one other set of eyes going over EVERYTHING they send out.

Issues needing immediate response should be reported to 911 and not to the Facebook page.
Utility disruptions such as power, cable, and phone outages should be reported to your service providers and not 911. We'll sympathize with you, but we can't fix your stuff. We suggest making a list of such numbers so that you can contact the appropriate parties.

We will send any information we receive such as road and school closures, etc, via Nixle and this page. School closings are the decisions of the respective schools. Dr. Branch and the private schools have all agreed not to tell us how to run the jail as long we promise not to tell them how to run their schools.

For full details, view this message on the web.


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