TONHS May and June Notes from Fred

Begin forwarded message:

From: Fred Johnson <>
Subject: TONHS May and June Notes from Fred
Date: July 21, 2014 at 1:41:52 AM EDT
To: Fred Johnson <>
Reply-To: Fred Johnson <>

Dear Fellow High Shoalers,                                                                July 20, 2014
In May the Council was busy planning for traffic calming, the new town hall, and several ordinance tweeks.  The big items coming up are roads and the planning of the new town hall.  If you have good ideas about the future town hall get to the council meetings.
At the June 10 meeting the council focused on traffic calming on Hilsboro Road.  Several good ideas are outlined below, but the aspect the council is wrestling with most is cost versus impact.  Some of the ideas with the best potential impact for the town have a high cost.
The June 16 meeting looked into these issues again and resolved several.  Much attention was paid to the internal workings of the council in such issues as issuing building permits and attorney usage.  The council decided to double the patrols contracted through the Sheriff's department. 
   Next NHS Council Meeting ………………………………………….July  21st
Town Web Site……………………………………………
Mayor Mike Beall………………………………………
Clerk Carolyn Pritchett………………………………………
Thank you for your support of North High Shoals; I'll see you at the next meeting, if not before.
Fred Johnson

Unofficial Town of North High Shoals Council Meeting Notes
May 13, 2014
By Fred Johnson
Council Members at the Meeting: Council Members Mayor Mike Beall, Council Members Jason Wisniewski, Violet Dawe, John McKay, and Ann Evans.
Citizens and Guests: Ed Lane (Smith Planning Group), Lorena DeSanta, Amy Lawrence, and Felicia Kautz

Agenda Setting:
·         Motion by Council Member Wisniewski to accept the agenda as written. 2nd by Council Member Evans. Approved 4-0.
Presentation of Draft Minutes:
·         Motion to approve draft minutes, by Council Member Wisniewski. 2nd by Council Member McKay. Approved 4-0.

Presentation of Financial Statements:
·         Motion to accept April & May Financial Statements as presented by Council Member Wisniewski. 2nd by Council Member Dawe. Approved 4-0.

Public Hearing on the Budget on 2014-2015 draft
Regular Business:
1. Dog Day and Yard Sale Report – Lorena DeSanta
·         Lorena reported on repeated success of the annual Dog Day and the administration of the annual yard sale in the park. 
2. Hilsboro Road Traffic Calming – M.Beall
·         Ed Lane reported on the report to the town his company produced.  Council discussed new speed limits, pavement markings, street landscape, speed limit sign postings, the fire department, a possible round-about at Rays Church, time estimates, and  radar speed monitor. Council discussed installing and relocating speed bumps. Council set  June 10 as a called meeting these suggestions.
·         Council Member Dawe made a motion to purchase speed platforms for Hilsboro Road and to install them at the park.  No second. Mayor Beall noted that the council voted last year to purchase and install two, but this was not done.
·         Council set June 10 for called meeting on this subject.
3. Occupation Tax Certificate,  – J. McKay
·         Motion to read the occupational tax amendment by Council Member McKay. 2nd by Council Member Dawe. Approved 4-0.
·         Council Member McKay read  the ordinance which places renewals in the hands of the clerk.
·         Motion to accept amendment by Council Member McKay. 2nd by Council Member Wisniewski. Approved 4-0.
4. Gun Ordinance – M.Beall
·         Council has not mailed out the current gun ordinance as planned.  Council is planning on reviewing this ordinance in August.
5. Garden Week Proclamation – V. Dawe
6. Fitness Stations at the Park – A. Evans
·         Presentations about costs and installation at park.
7. Park Master Plan – J. Wisniewski
·         Presentation updating future plans for the park.
8. SPLOST – M.Beall
·         Council allocation for next SPLOST is 50% roads, 20% Parks and Recreation, 20% town hall, 10% water
·         Motion to accept amendment by Council Member McKay. 2nd by Council Member Dawe. Approved 4-0.
9. Sheriff Patrol – V. Dawe
·         Oconee County Sheriff will provide extra patrols in town for $105 per three hour patrol beginning May 23, 2014.
10. Roads Update  – M.Beall
·         Council reviewed several road issues, particularly dealing with water run-of issues.  Lots of run-off issues
11. Non-Discrimination Ordinance 1st Reading – J McKay
·         The ordinance was read. 
·         Motion to accept the first reading by Council Member Wisniewski. 2nd by Council Member McKay. Approved 4-0.
12. Town Hall Update  – M.Beall
·         Progress on the clearing of the building and landscaping of the land around town hall was discussed.  Council discussed steps toward planning and contracting the new town hall in the park.  The town has spent $4,800 on a topographical survey to determine the best location of the new town hall done by Carter Engineering.
13. Capamachio Subdivision Resolution  – M.Beall
·         Tabled
Mayor's Update:
(All requests to be on the agenda must be submitted at least 7 days before a meeting. Direct your agenda items to Town Clerk Carolyn Pritchett or any Town Council Member. Look for the agenda for the next council meeting on the Town's web site one week before the next meeting. The next Council meeting will be held at 7:30 pm on Monday, July 19, 2014.)
·         Mayor Beall described the new state gun ordinance which will take effect on July 1, 2014.
·         Ethics Committee, business cards, lunch invitations from other councils, plant watering were discussed.
·         Council Member McKay reported on his attendance at a planning meeting.
·         Council Member Dawe reported on the emergency planning diner she attended for the council.

Motion made by Council Member Wisniewski to adjourn.  2nd by Council Member Evans. Approved 4-0.
Unofficial Town of North High Shoals Council Meeting Notes
June 10, 2014
By Fred Johnson
Council Members at the Meeting: Council Members Mayor Mike Beall, Council Members Steve Holzman, Violet Dawe, John McKay, and Ann Evans.
Citizens and Guests: Ed Lane (Smith Planning Group) and Felicia Kautz

Regular Business:
1. Hilsboro Road Traffic Calming – M.Beall
·         Ed Lane made a presentation of his engineering report to the town.  Copies of this report with drawings can be found on the town's web site.  Many of the ideas are designed to clearly inform drivers that they have entered a town.
  • Hillsboro Road at the City Park island shifting cars over to slow traffic.
  • Hillsboro Road – small pavement ridges in the road like on New High Shoals
  • Hillsboro Road at Jefferson Road: T- intersection with bypass.
  • Hillsboro Road at Rays Church Road: Lane described raising the intersection
  • Many other ideas were discussed including signage and more speed bumps.
2. Motion made by Council Member Holzman to adjourn.  2nd by Council Member Evans. Approved 4-0.
Unofficial Town of North High Shoals Council Meeting Notes
June 16, 2014
By Fred Johnson
Council Members at the Meeting: Council Members Mayor Mike Beall, Council Members Steve Holzman, Jason Wisniewski, Violet Dawe, John McKay, and Ann Evans.
Citizens and Guests: Suzanne Beall, John Barge, Scott Chambers,

Agenda Setting:
·         Motion by Council Member Wisniewski to accept the agenda as written. 2nd by Council Member Evans. Approved 5-0.
Presentation of Draft Minutes:
·         Motion to approve draft minutes, by Council Member Holzman. 2nd by Council Member Dawe.  Approved 5-0.

Presentation of Financial Statements:
·         Motion to accept April & May Financial Statements as presented by Council Member Wisniewski. 2nd by Council Member Dawe. Approved 5-0.
Regular Business:
1. Business Occupational Tax Application for Scott Chambers Custom Homes (1141 Arborwood Ridge)M. Beall
·         Motion to accept April & May Financial Statements as presented by Council Member Holzman. 2nd by Council Member McKay. Approved 5-0.
2. Building Permit Request – S.Beall
·         Motion to accept April & May Financial Statements as presented by Council Member Holzman. 2nd by Council Member McKay. Approved 5-0.
3. Capamachio Subdivision Resolution  – M.Beall
·         Motion to accept the resolution of the December 2013 contingency by Council Member McKay. 2nd by Council Member Holzman. Approved 5-0.
·         Motion subdivision resolution by Council Member Holzman. 2nd by Council Member Wisniewski. Approved 5-0.
4. 2014-2015 Budget – M.Beall
·         Motion to approve 2014-2015 budget by Council Member Holzman. 2nd by Council Member Wisniewski. Approved 5-0.
5. Adopt 2015 SPLOST Inter Governmental Agreement– M.Beall
·         Motion to approve 2014-2015 budget by Council Member Dawe. 2nd by Council Member Evans. Approved 5-0.
6.  Adopt Non-Discrimination Ordinance after 2nd reading – J. McKay
·         Motion to proceeded with the second reading of this ordinance by Council Member McKay. 2nd by Council Member Dawe. Approved 5-0.
·         Reading
·         Motion to accept the ordinance by Council Member McKay. 2nd by Council Member Dawe. Approved 5-0.
7. Building permit issuing– M.Beall
·         A building permit was issued without approval of the council.. Council discussed how they would like to proceed.
·         Motion declare town minutes of February 16, 2009 section pertaining to building permits void by Council Member McKay. 2nd by Council Member Holzman. Approved 5-0.
8. Attorney Usage– M.Beall
·         Aftermuch discussion council members agreed to follow town ordinances on the issue and contact town attorney about possible adjustments.
9. Clerk's 2014-15 hourly rate– M. Beall
·         Oconee County Sheriff will provide extra patrols in town for $105 per three hour patrol beginning May 23, 2014.
·         Motion to pay clerk $22 per hour  by Council Member Dawe. 2nd by Council Member Mckay. Approved 5-0.
10. Traffic Update  – M.Beall
·         Sheriff Deputy has worked three times for the town.  Council will continue this.
·         Motion to add an additional patrol per week by sheriff deputy  by Council Member Mckay. 2nd by Council Member Dawe. Approved 5-0.
11. Town Hall Update  – M.Beall
·         Mayor Beall explained the progress on work around the Town Hall.  The job was completed for $12,200.
12. Park  – M.Beall
·         Water and clearing area was discussed.
·         Motion to remove decorative fences by the flower boxes by Council Member Evans. 2nd by Council Member Holzman. Approved 5-0.
13. Open Meetings Rules  – M.Beall
·         Council Member McKay will bring a draft to the council next month.
12. Plantation Jefferson Drainage  – J. McKay
·         Several drainage issues were discussed which the town is trying to resolve.
13. Firearms Discussion– J. McKay
·         Plans were made to clarify the town's ordinance
14. Safe Routes to School– J. McKay
·         Council was asked to again look into this organization.
Mayor's Update:
(All requests to be on the agenda must be submitted at least 7 days before a meeting. Direct your agenda items to Town Clerk Carolyn Pritchett or any Town Council Member. Look for the agenda for the next council meeting on the Town's web site one week before the next meeting. The next Council meeting will be held at 7:30 pm on Monday, July 19, 2014.)
·         Mayor Beall asked council members to turn in financial disclosure reports.
·         Ethics Committee, business cards, lunch invitations from other councils, plant watering were discussed.
·         Council Member McKay reported on his attendance at a planning meeting.
·         Council Member Dawe reported on the emergency planning diner she attended for the council.

Motion made by Council Member Wisniewski to adjourn.  2nd by Council Member Evans. Approved 5-0.


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