Oconee County Historical Society's next meeting
Our next meeting will be Tuesday February 17 at Ashford Manor 7pm. Come help us get started with plans for History on the Lawn.
Here is a brief summary of the minutes for the last meeting.
President: Tali Stone
Vice President: Melissa Piche
Secretary/Treasurer: Peggy Sommer
A number of committees were also established
To work on membership recruitment and programs: Linda Bernard, chair
Larry Weatherford member
To help with PR and community contacts: Amanda McMurtrey
History on the Lawn: Dave Shearon
We also discussed having speakers come to some of our meetings. Our next speaker will be Charlotte Marshall, who is the editor of the Tangible Past in Athens, Georgia. She will be speaking at the March meeting on Manasseh B, McGinty who was the builder of many important buildings including our own (now gone) courthouse and other things she learned about Oconee County as she worked on her book. That meeting will be March 17 at the Oconee County Library.
History on the Lawn will be August 30.