Fwd: Oconee And Walton Passed Over In Awards Of Water And Sewer Relief Funds
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From: Lee Becker <lbbecker48@gmail.com>
Date: February 22, 2022 at 10:46:58 PM EST
To: lowellsdad@gmail.com
Subject: Oconee And Walton Passed Over In Awards Of Water And Sewer Relief Funds
Reply-To: lbbecker48@gmail.com
Oconee And Walton Passed Over In Awards Of Water And Sewer Relief Funds
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Oconee County Observations
Dear Friends,
Gov. Brian Kemp announced Tuesday the awarding of just more than $422 million in federally-funded water and sewer grants, passing over requests by Walton County for $115.5 million and by Oconee County for $23.5 million.
Walton County submitted its request for $80 million for construction of a water treatment plant and raw intake pump station for Hard Labor Creek Regional Reservoir and for $35.5 million for a water transmission system for the treated water.
Oconee County is a junior partner with Walton County in the Hard Labor Creek Regional Reservoir project, and the Walton County application included a letter of support from the Oconee County Board of Commissioners.
A separate application submitted by Oconee County for $23.5 million was for an upgrade and expansion of its Calls Creek wastewater treatment facility located on the northeast side of Watkinsville.
The 116 grants awarded ranged in size from $44,125 to Grantville, in Coweta County, southwest of Atlanta, for replacement of aerators on its wastewater treatment ponds to $32.6 million to Forsyth County to pay half of the cost of a pipeline and pump station to return treated drinking water to its source in Lake Lanier.
In addition, the state will allocate $49.8 million to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources to develop a program to relieve pressure on southwest Georgia's surface water sources.
Though Kemp, a Republican, made no reference to this in the new release issued by his office on Tuesday, money for the $422 in grants comes from the American Rescue Plan Act.
Congress passed that law in March of 2021 without a single Republican voting in favor.
For more on the story, please click through to Oconee County Observations.
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