Fwd: Oconee Democrats To Hold Candidate Forum For June 21 Runoff
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From: Lee Becker <lbbecker48@gmail.com>
Date: June 12, 2022 at 10:16:55 PM EDT
To: lowellsdad@gmail.com
Subject: Oconee Democrats To Hold Candidate Forum For June 21 Runoff
Reply-To: lbbecker48@gmail.com
Oconee Democrats To Hold Candidate Forum For June 21 Runoff
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Oconee County Observations
Dear Friends,
The Oconee County Democratic Party will hold a forum on Thursday night with candidates for three of the five races on the Democratic ballot in the June 21 runoff election.
Jessica Allison Fore and Tabitha Johnson-Green, candidates for the Democratic Party nomination for U.S. House District 10, have agreed to participate.
Dee Dawkins-Haigler and Bee Nguyen, candidates for the party's nomination for Secretary of State, also will join.
Charlie Bailey, candidate for the party's nomination for Lieutenant Governor, has agreed to participate, but Kwanza Hall, also seeking the nomination, has not.
Fore received the second most votes in the May 24 Democratic Party Primary, but Phyliss Hatcher, who received 137 fewer votes, has asked for a recount, and as of Sunday night, the Secretary of State Office has not given a final report on the recount.
The Republican Party has two races on the June 21 ballot, for Oconee County School Board Post 3, with Ryan Hammock and Julie Mauck seeking the nomination, and for U.S. House District 10, with Mike Collins and Vernon Jones in the runoff.
The Oconee County Republican Party had scheduled a forum for June 6 but cancelled that gathering because of scheduling conflicts.
Early voting will run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday of this week at the Elections and Registration Office, 10 Court Street, across from the Courthouse in Watkinsville.
For more on this story, please click through to Oconee County Observations.
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